Runningre: Needs Carbs

I think about that story a lot. The window especially. It’s my reminder to trust my gut. 

I’ve read it and I truly believe it should be required reading for everyone. For the most part it completely validates our experiences and highlights/reinforces our instincts. I actually should read it again since it has been a while. 

I am so sorry for your loss. Kudos on standing your ground, he sucks.

*Standing ovation*

Docs did it for her.

*Standing ovation*

Actually, if you think about it he was spot on with Dwight. Dwight loved his job so much, he was hard working, didn’t like to goof off (the time thief episode shows that), and genuinely prided himself on doing a valuable job so he could advance in his career. I’d say Charles always had a good read on who cared about

When i was in my early 20s and we’d go out for a night I’d put on a fake accent. Mine was different though because I would speak really broken English with an Italian accent so I could fend off creepy dudes. It worked wonders and cracked my friends up. I have also used this when traveling through Thailand and a fake

Just want to chime in I agree with your teacher. You are a gifted writer and this was so fun to read. She knew talent, she was right about you. 

Oh, honey. Google her shape several years ago and then now. Her entire body is built by surgery like Kim’s now. Kourtney is probably the one who has had the least and she has admitted to several surgeries. I run 50 miles a week and am under 120 lbs and my abs are not as flat as Khloe’s that isn’t genes. That is

She really does seem like a lovely person and it makes me happy hearing things to support this. For how tumultuous her upbringing was I am amazed she is so strong and positive as an adult. 

You know you’re ok if you can laugh about it later! :) 

Conversely, if he really wanted to boost his name/sales he could have done something really good in Chicago since there is so much need and maybe gotten his name out that way. This is just so harmful to real victims and himself when he could have easily done good and gotten what he wanted. 

This is gold. 

This makes me happy. Go you and your hot lady getting self!. <3

G Easy

I only read that story and I am thrown. I am sorry you went through that! 

Bless you. That is so wonderful to share your good fortune with others. May it come back in spades. <3

Were the beans paired with a nice Chianti? 

I follow Jameela on instagram and she is a delight! I love her shaming of detox tea shilling and honesty. I loathe that the kardashian’s are so talked about. It is all fake and their flat abs/butts/lips/faces are not achieved without extensive doctor help.