Runningre: Needs Carbs

Holy fuck, I am so, so sorry. Gosh, that must feel so horrible and violating. My own wisdom is counseling and to trust your gut. If you can’t move past this type of violation and he doesn’t take every step you need to remedy it, I support whatever you feel you need to do.

THOSE HOUND EARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This sounds amazing. I love it for you and them. :) Thanks for sharing a sprinkle of happiness with us. This was lovely to read.

This is late but I had to take care of my dad on hospice for two weeks and it was hard but also helpful to feel some direction. I will share that it is ok to feel every range of emotion, sometimes all in one day, in one hour. I had one day where I felt such anger I never imagined, luckily the hospice provided a book

“Texting and social networking create a drug-like effect. The highs are higher, and the lows are lower.”

God, that is heartbreaking and fucked up but I believe it. Ghosting is the worst and people who do it aren’t nice people.

Ghosting is the WORST. I had a friend of over a decade ghost me after I moved a few years ago and that hurt worse than my freaking divorce. It took me a solid two years to get over.

Oh my goodness! What developments since I last checked in on that. Thanks for sharing. I want to believe in twu wuv but dude said he loved his wife and we all see how that turned out. Can’t say I wouldn’t love a hot young heiress if I were him though. Must go google this ring now. ;)

Oh, wow! Congrats! I have paid extra every month so far. My goal is to keep doing that if I am able to afford it! :) Seriously, congrats. That is huge and I bet it feels so good! When I paid off my students loans I had such a sense of accomplishment, I can’t even imagine paying off a house!

Oh no! I will heed that advice and steer clear of the scary numbers. I am only a couple months in and I put an extra little bit towards the loan each time in an effort to make it less expensive long term. Holy eff, I owe a lot of money but also I have a little sanctuary and I LOVE it. Best thing I ever did for myself.

God, that sounds miserable. Being alone is so much better than that. Hopefully your friend wakes up and DTMF.

This is my mindset, too. Relationships that end aren’t failures just the closing of that chapter.

He sounds lovely. Many happy returns to you both. :)

Also, sounds like my recent ex. He would never take ownership if he did something shitty. There was always an excuse “I did it because you did X so it isn’t my fault...” I am SO much happier without him.

This internet stranger is sending you a big hug.

My stepdad was 30+ years older than my mom and their life together was beautiful. They always thought he was my grandpa but man did he love and adore her until he died. I always really admired their relationship (20 years together, so she definitely wasn’t after his money like people thought when they first got

Hahaha what is it with men who think their flaws are these amazing features. My most recent ex thought he was the smartest man in the room but constantly asked me what words meant. The male ego is a thing of confounding beauty.

That sounds really lovely! :) I’m living alone for the first time and it takes some adjustments but not having a man to pick up after is heavenly!

I love this and agree 100%. I was married, it didn’t work out and now I don’t believe that is a happily ever after. I travel to amazing places with friends, just bought my very own house, and love coming home to the freedom of peace and not having to share that sanctuary with anyone. If someone came along they better

THIS. I just bought my first house all by myself and every time I pay the mortgage and afford it all on my own I take a little glee. Take my money, mortgager! I am an independent woman and this is mine and mine alone. Worth every damn penny. :)