
crazy like le renard

What? not a big logo across the forehead, and a tear for each recall notice?

Whoops, it was on Train mode instead

I don’t think anyone was placing values on lives. Airshows are carefully planned out, flights are rehearsed. People who run airshows often have friends and family in the crowds and great effort is taken to prevent accidents.

Although better than a sudden unexpected crash,
autoeject sounds like it would be a terrible experience
surprise, you’re outside

At least there would be a lot less traffic on the way there

You know the other pilots are not going to let him forget about this.
“dude, wheres my plane?

lobster pancake apple strudel day

sounds like you’ve already tried them

imagine a non crisp taco shell thats soaked in grease, and some meatlike taco filling thats greasier that taco bell on a bad day.
Then imagine hearing people rave about the tacos nonstop when they hear you went there, like the cult of In N Out

That suggests he went to some kind of sandwich college. Maybe Bombaclat university?

Considering taking any suggestion or advice from TikTok? Hell No!
If you still want to, search google news for “tiktok challenge” and read a few articles.
After that, if you want to, please go ahead

also, “(your local dealer) is eager to buy your (insert vehicle here) because trade in values have never been higher and they need to replenish their used car stock”

Yes means no and no means yes, were you speeding?

What if he knew the bridge was out, but grew up watching Dukes of Hazzard

*preflight “it’s time to start the music” *radar switched on “it’s time to light the lights” *powers up engine

Of course they do. How else can they take photos of MiG pilots when they are flying over them while upside down?

I love trying to fill up at places with people just wandering around
“Can I have a ride to (location in worse part of town)“ and other requests

coming soon “Jalopnik review - Australian Kill Car”

That true, plus a combustion engine would not work very well on the moon anyway