
@junior ghoul: I'd be far more impressed if he actually laid down a strip of paint the whole way, THICK ENOUGH so the space station astronauts could take a real pic of that.

@Addzter: I beg to disagree. I've done lotsa work with UIs. It would take so much work merely to redesign a UI for a different resolution or screen size. If it's a smaller screen with the same resolution, you'd have to make buttons bigger, because the UI feel is profoundly altered. If you try handling one iPad size

@Addzter: Android was built to be resolution-independent from the start. iPhone OS wasn't. Apple never pointed it out, but what's great about the iOS platform is its consistency in its UI, that even 3rd party devs try to mimic. And that consistency includes sizes.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but since H.264 is hardware accelerated on the iPad, then playing Xvid videos that isn't likely to be hardware accelerated will most likely consume a lot more juice?

@Addzter: I'd say that's a false analogy.

@iScuba: Sadly I'd have to agree. Reminiscent of WM2003 and earlier.

I'm thinking that if Apple were to release a revision of the iPhone 4, they would do it silently, or with little mention with regards to the antenna. They wouldn't market a product at the expense of the last generation, by explicitly targeting its faults.

@RoboticSpacePenguin: I highly doubt that they'll do this for the first gen iPad. They wouldn't want a repeat of the first gen iPhone's buyer's remorse after the discount later in the year. They would rather want us to lap up new devices at first launch than wait it out for price drops — that's the way they've always

@Daft.Vader: WIN! You just gave me a new awesome reason to buy an iPhone 4.

@mecha2142: A lot of people seem to be trading up their common sense for excitement huh? You're right on the money. Apple has always been trying to get the right balance between widening product range and simplifying options. For them to release a new product they'd have a really compelling reason, market-wise.

@Diyomaro: Yes it does, knowing Apple, touch interfaces are designed by developers (including 3rd party devs) with the screen size in mind.