
And I expect fans to not be pretentious twats but, hey, life is full of disappointments.

It must be so disappointing to you how awesome it has been to far.

Do celebrities make an inordinate amount of money compared to the vast majority of the population? Yes. Is working a press circuit for months at a time a wildly mentally and emotionally draining experience? Also yes. Both things can be true.

You guys really like to refer to Mike “Nuke The Gays” Priefer as “Mike ‘Nuke The Gays’ Priefer”. Have you ever considered that Mike “Nuke The Gays” Priefer maybe doesn’t like being called Mike “Nuke The Gays” Priefer? Did you reach out to Mike “Nuke The Gays” Priefer for comment? Please be more mindful of what Mike

Fair enough place as any to say that we’re here and not going anywhere. And we’re not anyone’s punchline.

You know, at this point it’s no longer a bug. This is a feature.

Does it come with a headphone jack?

Does it come with a headphone jack?

I agree. Unfortunately the folks who are currently in charge of Star Trek don't understand that the Enterprise is a character in her own right.

So much to love about this show, but we all know who’s the best:

You won’t be sorry. I promise. She is burdened with glorious purpose in the BEST WAY.

I pledge to rectify this ASAP!

You SHOULD feel guilty. Get on that shit. It’s worth it. Even if you have to give up something else to make the time!!!

Did you accidentally go to a local arts and crafts fair and not the RNC?

I am the nineties calling to say that I would like my look back. Seriously- that was my look. Damnit. I rocked those things, you know? Enjoy, kids!

Well, that’s something to think about when the subject of police murdering civilians instead of protecting them comes up.

Really bad time for a tangent. A black man was just murdered by the police.

You. I like you.

here’s why

I hope I’m that cool when I’m 81.