
She’s the Brienne of Tarth of Overwatch: an honorable, fierce warrior who does it all effortlessly while saying “Fuck your gender norms.”

Don’t forget about John Oliver, he is been on a roll lately.

Bee and Oliver are like Jon Stewart was split into two people like an old Star Trek episode... But somehow stronger instead of being a creepy rapist and a 1960s idea of a woman.

Yep, the true inheritor of Stewart’s crown is Samantha Bee’s incisive Full Frontal. I can’t even remember the last time I watched a clip of The Daily Show, much less a full episode.

He is emphatically unfunny and while I also doubt he wrote this tweet it’s in line with his particular brand of bad comedy.

There is nothing to like. His stand up is awful.

Even though Trevor Noah probably didn’t have anything to do with the tweet, this post still reminds me of how downhill the show has gone since John Stewart left. It’s cringe inducing.

The way those trailers are parked makes 2 of the 3 completely inaccessible (their doors are blocked) until a truck comes and moves them. You mean to tell me that it made sense to make those two trailers utterly useless for getting supplies in and out of until they can get a trucker to rearrange them? I call massive

It’s a shame, really. They’re so good.

Ha. This. I am looking for a fancy new vibrator, and I think I won’t be giving Lelo my money now.

Cosigned. I love my Lelo. But I am having a not-positive reaction to Charlie Sheen as the spokesperson for one of their products.

Sadly, I think I’ve bought my last Lelo. I will never vibe again without picturing this. Damn you, Charlie Sheen.

How does someone whose job it is to be on camera not understand how a camera works?

Because it’s the job of every prequel to give you answers to questions you didn’t care about, like how taxation on galactic trade routes led to the rise of the Empire, and how Wolverine got that jacket he wore in X-men, and look at that little tyke... he’s the guy that’s in the background of the Mos Eisley Cantina.

“I put in all of this work into making my costume accurate down to the seams and the only thing will happen is that some Trilby Baby will comment about my boobs.”

It is exactly that. Unfunny and sad.

Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.

Currently in production for its second season! It’s a bit offset from these two, because it comes out later in the year.