
I want Krystal & Helena teaming up on some ops.

Oh right, MK had her crossed off on her NEO org chart. Yet, did anyone see a body?

How old is Kira supposed to be now and when will she start producing those Golden eggs the Neos covet?

Creative license. They have to keep the story moving.

Krystal Goderich to the rescue next week?
Also, will we see the return of Marion Bowles in Switzerland?



If Trump was an executive producer he would make sure Seth was Muslim and then he could be the villain…?

As the reviewer points out, this is a 🌽 🌽 🌽 show.
Suspension of disbelief is a prerequisite for maximum enjoyment.

I only wish Lady MacLeish and her dopey husband had suffered slow painful deaths. They were awful.

Agree with you about the ad populism fallacy.
But, have a little faith. We Yanks are famous for trying everything else before we finally get it right.

Sick burn 🔥
It's just that your critique of Colbert suggests you disagree with what he has to say about Trump. A lot of us Americans are appalled with this shitgibbon of a President.
Must be nice not to have a stake in the game.

Guessing you lean Trump?

Running on a 1200 baud-dial up modem.

No love for Kimmel?

I'd love to know who came up with the idea, "Hey, you know who'd be great to parody Sean Spicer? Melissa McCarthy!"

One side effect, however, is it may create bubbles while flatulatting.

Coulda sworn that was Ben Affleck playing his brother Casey on the Family Feud skit.

The genius of this show comes through on the rewatch. Like Ben's drooling leading to Grandma's demise. Hope they can keep it up.