
Seems pretty arbitrary, doesn’t it? After all the crazy stuff the FF series has pulled, a little ole flying car does it in for this guy.

It’s safe to say that the audience...

the video game Medal of Honor.

That’s very sexist of you, there are plenty of crazy women out there

Christie Hefner hasn’t run the company since 2008, and since then, Cooper, his father and Playboy have orchestrated press indicating that he would have a heavy hand in shaping its future.

She stepped down in 2008, so she’s no longer affiliated with the company.

I didn’t, but I googled her and she’s 63. She stepped down from her position as chairman and CEO in 2009. Doubtful she wants it any more.

You’re in NC. I’m in NC.

Ok as far as I understand it, drug testing in general is a violation of the 5th amendment.

You do not understand the Constitution. You are protected from random drug testing by the government. This doesn’t even apply if you’re for example clearly under the influence in public.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to

No, Not a violation of your fifth amendment. That right doesn’t apply to non judiciary settings, And most if not all places are strictly prohibited from reporting to to Law Enforcement. As for your second issue, Probably the same as other sports. You need to provide documentation of your prescription, and if you are

"This is Chevy??? Woah." Like you couldn't see the badge on the steering wheel you were looking at?

Hate you.

I am never sarcastic when it comes to Terry.

noted dick bucket Piers Morgan

I feel like I'm missing something here, because I usually agree with your points, and here less so (which, as an aside, I can cope with. We don't always have to agree. I will live on. I am just surprised).

Oh please. it was a tragic event where two people made mistakes. A jury has seen all the evidence and made a decision. In the aftermath I hope better training is provided for police officers. I hope young men don't physically fight with police officers. Better education and behaviour is needed across the board. I

I'm #TeamBette

Same. My music is all compressed to hell and back. Like I care it's not the same as the source, it sounds good enough.