Rum Raisin Vendor

Of course he wasn't interested. Pokémon Go does absolutely nothing to help him find Jack Reacher.

With that beard, he looks angrily thoughtful, while his neighbor just looks like he's copping a feel. I'd be thoughtful too.

Cue a scene where Matt Damon puts a stranglehold on Jeremy Renner, screaming like a madman: "You should have let me sleep!"

Lovecraft is all just fun and games, until you see the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young headlining the Republican Convention.

*Wilson Fisk angrily retweets Kevin Feige's address*

Well, if all else fails, at least I'll have something to read when I get sent to The Wall.

I'm with her?

Foodles…I hate these guys.

You never mention the fish right up front, Bruce.

I have a soft spot for the Devil in "Constantine." Overall, the movie was a mess, but the moment he stepped out and began bargaining with a bleeding Keanu Reeves, I was hooked.

Does this mean May will serve as one of our dominant overlords, calling us trash and subsequently crushing us beneath her tender, tyrannical heel? I'm asking for a friend.

I'll only join on the stipulation that Michael Keaton gets to supervise.

And cue the inevitable meltdown when Benedict Cumberbatch gets the main role.

Sounds like freedom!

Ok, you convinced me. I'll vote for Luna.

Learning that Malicious Miscreant Murdoch is fighting Aggravating Asshole Ailes makes the day just a little bit brighter.

That's two thus far, USA network, so you can count on me waiting for you in the parking lot.

This is why he's not allowed to contribute his two pence anymore.

Squint before the grandeur!

Peter? Well, he was borderline for a while. Then he crossed the border.