Rum Raisin Vendor

So aliens and Kansas City mobsters in the same show? Okay then!

Brian Williams, hands down. Who else can say they took a bullet for the president and then managed to track down the assassin, all in the same day?

Sam's thousand-mile stare whenever Janice was in the vicinity was the big highlight for me.

You've done an excellent job of capturing something I haven't been able to put into words for a while now. This show, whose quality is all over the place, nevertheless serves admirably well as comfort food in my case. Yes, the world has undoubtedly gotten worse since the show last ended, but fortunately for us, Tim

First question: How's Annie?

Call me when there's gondolas on Mars.

Oh I'll show you something hard and tangible.

Penny for your thoughts, Noah?

Please tell me there's aliens involved in the J. Edgar Hoover storyline.

With all that gesticulation, it's hard to see why this show didn't end up at HBO first.

Whoever could bear to part with this is more machine than man.

I particularly liked the part when he broke into dance after beating Spassky.

But will he receive rich mahogany?

But do they like guacamole?

Another unfortunate incident that illustrates how sometimes darkness creeps into your soul.

Mark Wahlberg and Optimus Prime. You can't go wrong.

I forgot Dan Aykroyd was in this picture.

Good night, sweet prince. I'll miss the beautiful food, the understated elegance, and the copious amounts of gay.

Tarantino's just being a cheeky little devil. Pay him no mind.

As soon as I saw Patrick Stewart quoting "Hamlet" on top of a police car after being caught with a transgender prostitute, I knew this was the show for me.