Rum Raisin Vendor

[expresses smug belief that this app is now the ultimate power in the universe, regrets it soon after]

Get a load of this guy [nudges and winks nearest person, gets smacked]

Oh, how the pudding has fallen.

Perhaps a little less Vaughan and a few more flat circles might serve to improve it.

Forget it, Dustin. It's Chinatown.

[watches a thousand tea-cups shatter simultaneously]

No new content, no chance of distraction, no damn freedom.

Wodehouse coined the phrase? Color me Jeeves.

Once I reached "chiasmus", I knew we were through the looking glass here, people.

Only in "Hannibal" could you have a dreamy, introspective train journey by night in the first half and a full on, balls to the wall ass-kicking in a gorgeous museum in the second. God, I love this show.