Rum Raisin

Is this a surprise to you? This is how it has always been. You think the average voter gives a shit about the federal debt, healthcare and budgets (not saying they shouldn’t - its rhetorical). But porn star swatting the future POTUS on his ass - that shit people are gonna soak up. This is not on the media. Not one is

I rather prefer the more terse insult of McIntyre “spoon-feeding his audience warm diarrhea”

Actually, not a bad suggestion.

Ha ha

Well Shaq is an idiot. So there is that.

Billy is not cool.

Gunner fans only feel entitled to the fourth place trophy. That is our right dammit.

Reading is hard. I want my gut to tell me stuff.

We did not prosecute every Nazi death guard too. I guess that make genocide meh.

South Park had it right. This is whole country that is based on saying one thing and doing the exact opposite.

Millions of Americans is the reason how this imbecile is President.

By that transitive logic everyone’s taxes pays for everyone. Which means everyone works for everyone and everyone must do everyone’s bidding.

Am I supposed to be impressed? lemons are pretty mild. Now if he took a bite of a habanero.

The two also criticized the idea that “a kid from Nigeria and a kid who came from Sweden are supposed to learn exactly the same” and have the “same IQ.”

Trump took on America’s holier than thou attitude towards its democracy. He took on our pretense of having this so called excellent system of check and balances. He took it in this tiny hands and then shit all over it. He showed how one ignorant, fraudulent, irresponsible, manchild (who would shame Eric Cartman)

Counterpoint: golf and golfing sucks balls.

Unfortunately it is both.

The average Republican is fair minded. He/she can rationalize fraud, abject ignorance and incompetence, contempt for the constitution/laws, racism, sexism, and potentially treason and incest. But you better not be black.

This fuckface is doing plenty damage irrespective of his location.

Apparently it is liberating.