He remembered the cake. Priorities people.
He remembered the cake. Priorities people.
Oral blows, but I hear Anal is an asshole
Seems like Oral really sucks
Sex is like pizza, even bad sex is not really bad. And yes, sex is consensual. Without consent it is rape. And it troubles me that you don’t see the distinction.
Are you equating prison rape with consensual sex? Because one is not like the other
Even bad sex is good sex. You know what I’m sayin’
Respect my authoritah!
You care about fairness? Aren’t you supposed to be a lawyer?
Well said
The “Man” has to perpetuate mass murder before Yotsuba gives a shit.
He was orgasming the other day over the Syria missile strikes.
So in short - he deserved it? Right?
Terrible, dumb and cowardly seems to sum up this guy (or gal) well
He could have kept his mouth shut and kept us in suspense but he had to remove all doubts. Yep, the stupid is strong with this one.
Clearly the man committed “violence” by refusing to vacate a seat he paid for on a plane he legally boarded. I mean what other choice did the good security folks have other than to beat him black and blue?
He said “no” ... you don’t say no to the Man. Yotsuba meekly follows orders from the Man.
All that needs to be said.
Hey it made them the first family. So why stop?