
Tim Rogers excellent 20-minute video completely convinced me into NOT buying this game. And I really wanted a good JRPG on the Switch.

A “Hired Goons” app? I like the sound of that, think I will start deving that first chance I get. I wonder though about the legal issues though.

One involves real children. The other does not.

no one has ever uttered the words “My french press isn’t powering on anymore” French press 4 lyfe

The animation is bad...but damn when I watch it I enjoy it like a lot. The sound effects, music, voice work, and weird cgi angles.

This complaint is so annoying. Apple’s starting prices for computers are always high because Apple doesn’t produce a low-end tier of laptops. A Dell XPS 13" laptop with roughly the same specs as the cheapest MacBook Pro is $1399. Sure, Dell has low-end computers starting at like $400 and their XPS line starts at

Yeah. I am pretty straight up and down, so mom jeans or any pants that are supposed to fit at my waist never do. I am either strangling my intestines, or the legs are like parachute pants. Mid-rise is great, with a tiny bit of stretch. I am sick of stretchy jeans where I have a droopy butt by noon.

I constantly ask clerks for the jeans with “the least amount of stretch.” They hold up so much better long term!

I love mid-rise jeans. I’m so long-waisted that anything at or above the waist is *never* long enough and I get pinched in the doodads, plus it’s unflattering on my belly. Mid-rise jeans have about an inch’s worth of grace around the navel, and the waistband keeps my gut contained.

This should work for your needs.


“But pork chops, lions, tenderloin are beyond incredible on it.”

“But pork chops, lions, tenderloin are beyond incredible on it.”

Ha! Ha! I walk into a BMW dealership now and I experience sticker shock.

Not sure if these have been shown or not, but they look really cool :)

Yup. If Sony is going to announce it, you can be damn sure MS will follow suite.

Sorry, there's only two kinds of wine flavors: Franzia chillable red, and then Franzia chillable red when I put vodka in it.

@delightt: is it even possible to change your theme colour to something else than Mac(R)osx(C)Grey(patent pending)?