
Only 3? Even when I was much younger, I’d eat four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large.

Hiding anorexia 101: only eat when others are present to see it and make a big deal out of it so they remember. 

Gwenyth paltrow reading that article: “It’s over nine hundreeeeed!”

Alex Crow, 30, was a priest who listened to confessions at the McGill-Toolen High School in Mobile, also visiting classes and chaperoning trips with high school students.”

You joke, but I can totally see the Thorn Birds getting banned now since this guy used it as an instructional manual all the way down to the dad comparisons!

Weird man in a dress who likes to perform in front of people and cannot be trusted with children and young women: Definition of a priest.

So, not the Thornbirds remake? ( Google it) Also, less handsome since he..defrocked!!

I was thinking it was a drag queen for sure!

yo they need to RICO the fuck out of the Vatican

Is the demon inside her just code for his penis?

Damn liberals and drag queens.... oh, wait a minute...

This is one of the many reasons I hate any Disney Live Action movie. They cast mixed race or women of color actresses, then put them in the role of defending them and upholding their new version as something necessary and desired by the audience. They toss these women to the wolves then rake in millions of dollars for

Yeah, if she’d left Mississippi to get an abortion, you can bet he and every state agency would be feverishly going after her, her family, and other “abortion-traffickers” who helped her.  

It is no exaggeration to say that the police and law in Mississippi are far more concerned about the possible abortion than the definite child rape.

This is INSANE. There is a ton of evidence right there. If the suspect is the father, BOOM rape solved, there’s no issue of consent when a 13 year old is involved, so all you’d need to prove undeniable guilt is the DNA. Why wouldn’t the police department want to add another solved case to their tally? It’s a slam

The local police chief shrugged off the delayed action when pressed about it: “It’s a pretty high priority, as a juvenile,” he told Time, but “sometimes they slip a little bit because we’ve got a lot going on, but then they come back to it.””

It hardly needs to be said, but fuck you, chief.

Just another day in Gilead. The GOP doesn’t care. The anti-abortion folks will murmer “something something” and look away. The cops won’t lift a finger. The law is confusingly written on purpose.

I wouldn’t want to live in North Korea or Afghanistan. For similar reasons, I wouldn’t spend a nickel in or reside in the South.

This seems extremely, extremely predictable.