I mean sure, no flying cars, no jet packs and no sex robots. But I am trying this message on a pocket size computing device connected to a world wide commutation and information network. So I’d say we’re are 50/50
I mean sure, no flying cars, no jet packs and no sex robots. But I am trying this message on a pocket size computing device connected to a world wide commutation and information network. So I’d say we’re are 50/50
I realize you are probably 16 and have no concept of the world beyond those few years but in my nearly half a century of experience I can think of a ton of things that were “sci-fi” when I was 16 that are realities today.
I’m talking about the why you brought up. “Because art students learn about things like vanishing points and perspective and *why* certain works are the way they are.”
I’m not asking why perspective matters, I’m asking why you think “ art students learn about things like vanishing points and perspective” is significant…
“But the jobs!” is successfully preserving multiple entirely parasitic industries in our current economy (hi, health insurance racket!). Instead, they focus on killing off actually positive careers.
I have to wonder about how all these anti-AI machine learning people are going to react when one of these models cures cancer. Are they going to be sad about all the scientists who didn’t get to do it.
would you believe it that not all artists have formal training? There are plenty of self taught highly skilled artists that just do what they think looks good. Think of AI as a highly skilled amateur.
Society has throughout the history of automation shown that by and large we don’t really care about the human touch. Cheap and convenient become bigger priorities than getting something made by hand. There’s always going to be a market for things made with more care and attention than a machine can manage. But it’ll…
The problem is the predictable end to it.
Overtly defining AI-generated images as “plagiarism” seems like a slippery slope that could lead to any art provably influenced by another person’s art as plagiarism. Yes, I get that the AI systems are literally TAKING- often against the will of the original artist- pieces of work and processing them to make it’s…
Here’s my regular reminder that you people have a problem with capitalism, not a problem with technology. All this pearl clutching over displaced artists completely misses the point that in a just world, the artists could continue to make their art without the threat of poverty and new technology like this wouldn’t…
Most video game animation uses AI to do inbetweens and other dynamic animations already, which are then fine-tuned after. I think Prince of Persia: Sands of Time was one of the games that really pushed the technology forward. It exists, and depending on the quality of the animation you want, it can be super helpful,…
You think that publishers are going to keep paying people to make the art if they can pay one person to run a few different AI’s to do it all?
“I see potential for tools like these to let an animator let this process propagate their ink and color easily across [an] entire shot, for example. It’s potential like that that gets me excited about this tech, and why we do these experiments in the first place,”
This is the real take here. No one is going to replace…
New jobs open up as technology changes the way we live/work/play, like it always has.
“The background designer is credited as ‘AI (+ Human).’ Um, I’m pretty sure that the human has an actual name”
Vhy yees, I too am a human, let me just zee your neck- vait, vhat iz vfiz bullshit?!?
Infuriating, tone deaf and extremely disingenuous from Netflix’s part, particularly for people who knows and understand how the animation industry works in Japan.
Greetings fellow human artists. I shall be over here doing human stuff.
Definitely not a labor shortage...it’s a wage problem. For a very long time artists have been paid peanuts and affordability has exploded everywhere. The sad thing is it comes at a time where this AI “artistry” is coming up so what does a company do instead of raising wages...
We’re truly in a crossing point in our…