
To quote venerable old Bob Hope


If there was ever a guy who deserved to be tasered and have the everloving shit beat out of him - just on principle - it is Jonathan Davis.

What guy in his right mind wouldn’t do her until she couldn’t stand up?

What the fuck is this? Penthouse Forum? Sound like the BS buzzer needs to get pressed on both stories. Nobody comes on to fat ugly guys for a reason that has any good behind it!

Do you think she takes it in the ass? I sure wouldn’t let her blow me!

You can but in many states now you’re going to have to get a license and pay taxes. That takes most of the fun out of it.

Be careful with that bleeding. If you bleed out of your whatever too much bad things can happen.

Maybe he should just go out and throw himself off a peer (you show his piers that he is really cool).

That was her IQ!

Tell those retards to get a fucking life!

That’s a very intelligent position to take!

Don’t quote a guy who obviously tries too hard to be cool. It makes you look like a fucking idiot.

I think you over-classified your statement! Think about it!

So I guess you’ve burned all your MF CDs then?

Yeah...that’ll be the proper punctuation to whatever sentence he might receive (if the verdict is guilty)....a kick square in the balls. How fucking enlightened.

Innocent until proven guilty...until a verdict is rendered its all allegations.

They’re lawyers...nothing more nothing less. They do what they are supposed to do.

Again, sounds a little bit contrived.

Sounds a little bit contrived to me.