Wacky, isn’t it? I am a little surprised at the pile on the OP. I really hate the mommy wars.
Wacky, isn’t it? I am a little surprised at the pile on the OP. I really hate the mommy wars.
Ohio is open carry. I guess they felt the need to assert their rights. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_…
But maybe George of the Jungle gave you a bit of solace
There are not enough stars for this comment. Thank you for posting it. Anyone who considers Hillary’s privilege equal to that of George Bush has been misled by years of misinformation spread by the people who hate her.
Is that really a Megyn Kelly tweet? From the real Megyn Kelly?
I unexpectedly became teary-eyed and started sobbing at the thought that this woman, who was born before universal suffrage, lived long enough to cast votes for the first female major party candidate. Then Bernie Sanders’s brother cast a single vote for his brother as he emotionally spoke of their parents and I…
Ditto. I highly recommend a Captain’s bed.
That is why you buy a back up. Seriously. Back up bear saved us after a house fire because it was hidden high in a closet and not out in the open to be coated in ash like the original.
I keep thinking about this poor woman and her family.
I was thinking 3 Marvels & 1 DC.
You might like the recipe for Thin Mint Brownies on the internet. https://www.littlebrowniebakers.com/media/filebrow…
No we are just super-grateful that people buy our cookies so our little troop can do cool stuff like archery and attending theater workshops and learning and doing environmental stuff and getting supplies so that we can do community service.... etc.
Hugs. I am so sorry for your loss. My nephew’s death was a SIDS death and it absolutely affected how we parented.
I “think” he will still get the credit for time served though. He can’t serve more than the maximum in total. Depending on the number of crimes and the type for which he is found guilty, he could possibly be sentenced for each crime to have time run consecutively rather than concurrently.What he rejected was a deal…
I have four years more than you. It gets worse.
Yup. I remember my husband telling me there had been an explosion, then watching the coverage for the rest of the day while holding my infant.
Agreed. My husband picked some up for me during the last grocery trip. It is wonderful stuff.
But it is still a lie. It does not condition at all. My son tries to argue with me when I tell him to condition too. I tell him that the bottle lies and it doesn’t really do what it claims. It is never too early to teach them not to trust advertising.
I completely understand. Geology is my second choice in alternate careers that could have been. Grass is greener, except immediately after a lava flow..... ;)
For the past ten years on my job, I have turned to co-workers on really rough days and said, “You know. I could have been a geographer. I really liked those classes.” They laugh, but I am serious and your comment is precisely why I kick myself every now and then for going to Law School instead of Grad School.