
I agree that it is a bit unclear, but that seems too low to cover an entire troop for one session. I live in a similarly sized area as the one in which the Carnegie is found. Troops sessions at museums and local parks run $15 and up. The zoo has a overnight program for $65. I am reasonably certain that it is $20 per

I am well aware of that, though we get closer to 15%. Planning is tricky, but it does make a leader and troop very creative at times.

I think cost might be a factor: $20 per scout might be hard for a small troop. They are expected to operate self sufficiently and if you have 15 girls in your troop, that would be $300.00 for one activity.

"Call me boring, but I think real love isn't tear-stained kisses under the Spanish moss—it's about switching to turkey bacon because of your husband's cholesterol and cleaning the litter box for a cat you despise because your wife's pregnant and she loves that furry little asshole."

I think fewer people would have upset with the ending if they had chosen to show that kind of maturity through the season. Instead, it was crammed into the final 3 minutes or so. Rather than taking the time to show real, further character growth, they rushed and invalidated the character growth that had been built

Hated Zoey, loved the Captain. My husband and I hated Zoey so much we developed an irrational loathing of the actress. Took years to be able to handle her on Once Upon a Time.

You should watch it. The video is actually a palate cleanser. Seeing it was happy again and felt that my years invested in the show were fully justified.

Ditto for me, only it was my cousin's horror stories. I remember one of them involved the baby being pulled out by a hook (??????).

Love your name! "Guards, Guards" is my go to Terry Pratchett book when I'm feeling down.

Has anyone checked on Rebecca Rose. I expected a joyous post from her dedicated to Tom Hiddleston's ice bucket challenge, but it has been 24 hours (ish) and not a peep from her. Anyone else concerned? Should we send out a search and rescue?

I'm not certain who BGK is, but I'm starting to believe your Colorado Kid theory. I am confused as to whether the Colorado Kid is Audrey's son. I feel like I missed an episode at some point. Wasn't the CK killed?

Agreed. I will actually be very disappointed if he is not cast.

Christopher Eccleston would be great as Childermass! I think Arthur Darvill would be better as Mr. Lascelles, bit of a dandy, bit hapless, ultimately a bit tragic.

I would put him more in the fifties just by the descriptions in the book, because he has been studying independently for a very long time, more than 20 years I thought, though perhaps I just need to re-read the book. I thought there was a bigger gap than just fifteen years between Strange and Norrell, and isn't

Hopkins played restrained very well in a movie with Emma Thompson and Christopher Reeves, Remains of Day.

I know I'm forgetting a few characters. Hmm. How about Richard Armitage?

I fully support the idea of Alan Rickman.


I read the first book. As I recall, there will be a lot of sword loving.

But Rumple orchestrated the curse to take him to where Bae went. So my assumption is that regardless of how much time passed in the fairy tale land that was, Rumple was aiming for close in space and time to when Bae arrived "here." Therefore, Bae should only be roughly 28 years older than when he left ftltw/arrived