That’s racist
That’s racist
She’s on a totally different level and is possibly the best ever In her sport but this seems like a missed ad opportunity could mirror/remind me of the whole Vick Experience ad campaign but gymnastics centric..
Bummer ... but much like people that checked out of watching the NFL because of the off putting culture(not the same but possibly worse) I fear people are missing something great here because their recently exposed unsavory culture.
I love to hate him
You should see broadway...if you’re into dancing that is.
Or overly concerned with choreography...either way it’s amusing
Might just be me but that doesn’t sound like a healthy diet
I’m assuming you didn’t literally wanna know how this happens but historically it just happens..inevitably someone gets overlooked
I’m many people have responded with something similar to.....*And now Jon Gruden is trading the locker room
How much did Soros pay to have this posted?
Dropping some illegal underage knowledge on her
Go sit in the corner
That’s some fine acting
You must really hate Dremond Green
He definitely intended to spit and anyone that says otherwise is a turd...dudes went all lama on his face.
Spitting image of a turd
Did he....put his shorts on backwards....before taking the picture
Dudes been watching soccer