
Cool...cheer for the team that called Jones a Nbomb over and over. Lol

Wrong posting videos of Hitler and saying..look what he did

....the whole state? Soo you’re saying I missed my chance years ago to give a whole state the what for when the Lakers lost in the playoffs that i would of been good to say stuff like...served them right for propping up a anal rapist (Kobe from waaayyy back) and producing the Terminator as a logical governor..? I get

....I’ll allow it....don’t fight me over it 

Don’t run too far...we just got started 

Ohh tha horror 

Good to know if I was pro I’d be entering the official early board years in my career 

Internal monologue 

This is somehow a millennial take folded multiple times over’s basically origami 



No homo

Snarf....someone always forces their politics into the conversation

Real question here....I assume no matter how much you it fat or’re gonna die if you eat enough donuts to equal your weight right?....weird way to go....personally if I’m gonna attempt to eat my weight in anything I’m choosing fajitas...(friends talking)...”how did die?”... “No lie...dude ate his

I demand that someone post “white guy blinking” . I am not familiar with many white guys and so many of them are blinking I have to assume this particular gif stands out from the rest.

Meh...narrative is still the same...seemed like he was kinda gassed and maybe I’m not giving Khabib enough credit but if I could armchair QB for a second it seemed like Conor as a fighter hasn’t really taken the time to evolve much (not because of him lacking effort or not putting in the work...more like he obviously

Go Stros

I thought he looked better with the hairy poo on his face

That tosser is still a turd