That is the worst kinda chink
That is the worst kinda chink
Atleast he got his hair under control
I was doing that chant the whole time I read your comment
Don’t jump off a bridge just yet...we can probably act like civil humans
LT at least made it to the game
I bet my life salary that he keeps playing basketball.
Better have a he got better article
Well if you say so...
Thank god I didn’t pay for that. Won’t pay for the triple G fight either....I will watch it at the nearest watering hole
Have you seen them in a wide angle lens?......super cute
I’m dead
It’d be cool if the Wiz(Bullets)won the east but its as unlikely as my Rockets winning the west.
Someone already say “that’s what she said” ?
I say no to you....not your comment just your name...sniff
Stay tuned
Thanks for making me google best NBA players without a father-figure