
I work in a male dominated office but luckily it’s an overall shockingly progressive place. One of the saddest moments I had in the weeks immediately post-Weinstein was when I had finished a rant with my then project manager (who I truly believe is one of the good ones, if misguided in a lot of ways). He assured me

I don’t think the frustration is “why isn’t everything fixed RIGHT NOW?” so much as it’s: for the vast majority of women, this isn’t a watershed moment at all, because none of this is news or a sea change to us (and only qualifies as shift in the cultural paradigm because men have [been forced to] acknowledge it).

I feel where you coming from. Exploitation is exploitation. Humans take advantage. It’s what we do. Which kind is worthy of outrage? The one where WE are disadvantaged. Never mind what we’re doing to anyone else at any given time.

And sadly, it works. I’ve had women say to me “I am NOT a feminist!” as if admitting to it is like you’re going to wither up like a dried prune and die alone right then and there.

Telling indeed. My soon-to-be-ex-husband dismissed the women as shills for the far right. That’s not why I’m leaving him, but it sure confirms my decision.

What’s happening now is a beginning; thousands of years of bad treatment just doesn’t go away suddenly. As with anything progress is slow and painful.

triggers holding us paralyzed with the fear that something might explode deep within us and bring up a memory that we’d rather avoid

Wait - I can’t complain about rape if I have an iPhone? Damn, that’s some intense gate-keeping there.

Women’s suffrage is what I always go back to when I’m talking to people who don’t seem to think there’s a problem or that feminism is “too much.” Half the population at the time was not allowed to vote because they were women. What sense does that make? Why did that have to change? Do you vote? Think about not being

I’m going to ask that it be put on our US dollar bills.

I’m sure you - because you are acute and astute - also noticed how much of heaven and earth regularly need to be moved in order to even minimally punish those guys, even those who are literally caught in the act.

That internalized crap is a hell of a drug. I’ve seen a bunch of people - men, women, all colors - literally implode when I bring up that the only two women whose accusations Weinstein pushed back on are Salma Hayek and Lupita Nyongo, both women of color. And when I say that’s a combination of the additional burden

And this is why guilty men will never really fear or understand. They can always find a woman who sides with them. Whole generations and communities of women and daughters who still believe boys will be boys or are more concerned with keeping up appearances than causing trouble.

“Men are learning to fear...” Good. Way past fucking time they knew what it feels like.

Yeah, men just mow down dozens of people when they’re seething.

Yeah the pushback given to commenters here who thought Franken should go (about three accusers in) was telling. I did a little digging throughout the shittier replies at the time and surprise surprise, most of the people hectoring and lecturing about how misguided the call for Franken’s exit was were dudes. Not

From a Venn diagram point of view, the intersection of the group A) Beauty Pageants Should Be A Thing, and B) Sexual Harassment Should Not Be A Thing, is exceedingly small, and might in fact only include Gretchen Carlson. If you add group C) Racism Is Still A Thing And Needs To Stop, the intersection becomes the null

And black women everywhere threw up in their mouths. We keep talking about things that need to die in 2018, here’s one the Fox fembot rehab tour. Why are people so quick to forget and forgive the bullshit she and her fellow partner in slime Megyn Kelly pushed for years? My god. Hey white women you still have work to

I mean, shouldn’t the first order of business be to disband? How can a board of all women, even women that went through the same sytem even remotely support this? It’s reductive as fuck.

I don’t live in the US and I avoid anything FOX News-related like the plague, so correct me if I’m wrong: Gretchen Carlson was one of the women who stood up against sexual Harrassment at FOX, right? She worked there for quite a while, righT So, it’s fair for me to assume that, from the point of view of the peagant,