I’m not stanning Jersey, but there’s so much of it that’s gorgeous. And I’m all for a place where you can go from beach to mountains. The stuff off the highways though.
I’m not stanning Jersey, but there’s so much of it that’s gorgeous. And I’m all for a place where you can go from beach to mountains. The stuff off the highways though.
I walked into the the Trump Plaza to use the bathroom while walking the boardwalk a few years ago. It was a rotting, gilded dystopia of faded 70s faux opulence. The only people in there were geriatrics with oxygen smoking cigarettes. The whole place smelled like tobacco and death. It would have been a great setting…
I’m a Sanders supporter, and I feel the same way. Every time I hear a Sanders supporter say they’d never vote for Clinton, I want to scream. Yes, I’d much prefer Sanders to get the nomination, but anyone who learned nothing from what happened in 2000 should just shut the fuck up forever. I mean, hey, look how well…
The super delegates are basically this vestigial tail of the old, smoke-filled room nominating system. And are really more for show than anything—it’s a way for various Democratic Party members from around the country to feel special. If Sanders manages to come from behind and win, they will almost certainly switch…
Because a straight popular vote is the least representative form of democracy. The Republican caucus is a straight popular vote, and it’s also exactly why Trump has as many delegates as he has; in a straight popular vote, you do not need a clear majority of support, but only more votes than the other factions, even if…
I don’t think she’s trying to shake his supporters, I think she’s going at him. He takes everything SO PERSONALLY, and this is all written in his forum, using his preferred language - she wants him to hit her, and HARD, because she knows it will backfire. I don’t really understand why she wants that right now, but…
Personally I’d rather have 20 more Warren’s in the Senate. As the past 8 years have shown having a great Democrat president doesn’t count for much if the house and Senate don’t play ball (or more aptly pour kerosene on the ball, set it ablaze, and blame the president for not having a fire extinguisher). We need her in…
I wonder what Donald is shouting at his intern at this moment, urging him to slap some word-vomit on his Twitter feed. You think he’s going to go for ‘ugly’ or ‘loser’ route?
*sings in his best off-key Adele impression "We could have had it allllllll"*
She’s clearly not trying to do that—she’s trying to inspire the left to unite and rise up against him. And here’s hoping we can do that once the dust settles.
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it twice: Sanders/Warren 2016.
WARREN 2024!!
No doubt that Warren’s statements will elicit even louder “sighs” of regret from the Democratic electorate who wish that she was running.
Chris Rock is very funny, but has a history of misogyny, homophobia, and flat-out racism. Guy made a movie called Good Hair, about how black hair is perceived as shitty, then wonders why Hollywood doesn’t want to cast more black roles. Then the buck-toothed fuck shits on little children. Rock, you made corny jokes…