Reclaiming My Time

Don’t respond to dontchokeonyourwoke. He’s a racist troll who often lies just to get a rise out of people. Check out his history if you have the stomach for it. For instance, while it is true that several states have stop-and-identify statues, they only give police the right to demand ID from someone they reasonably

Definitely South Korea. Wanna know something staggering?

And then he calls it a 500 year flood when it’s happened twice in ~100 years.

I mean, if you’re talking about “fewer Coronavirus deaths” as your metric literally every country on Earth could and did do better.

I’m still angry that he didn’t call him out on that point. They’re trying to rewrite history and gaslight the nation rather than ever correct Trump on anything, for any reason.

Possibly, but they’ll spew their misinformation elsewhere (and frequently they do). Having even a single source confront them with the truth helps mitigate the damage, even if the impact is small. Someone SOMEWHERE was watching and altered their opinion based on this evidence.

Except no one does it. If they would actually call them out live, and not pull their punches, the world would be a better place. 

If anyone in this administration for one second just put some sense into their heads they’d realize the Obama administration did quite a noticeable deal to put focus on a possible pandemic including...

True, but the kind of dolt that identifies with the current administration thinks 60 minutes is fake news, because Navarro said so at the start of the sequence and they stopped listening.

Because they need to be called out, live, in real time, to their fucking faces so they look like the lying idiots they are and where everyone can see it. Sure, some will still make excuses and not believe it, even though there’s contradictory proof. BUT for those who might be on the fence (why? Who knows?) this is one

That’s true, Ugh. Seeing such a scrappy competitor out there falling victim to the physical specimens on defense, despite following his coach’s playbook, well it’s just hard to watch. Let’s watch again.

See right here, after Navarro calls the play and sets it in motion, let’s freeze... here: if you look closely, you

Actually, doesn’t having the receipts show the important fact that he would be a illegitimate source of information? That’s important to do considering how many people blindly trust these clowns.

Side Note Observation:
He said “this hasn’t happened since 1917" referring the Spanish flu, aka the 1918 Flu Pandemic (it happened from Jan 1918 to Dec 1920)
Wanna know why he said “1917" instead of the accurate and accepted year 1918 - ya know, the 1918 that everyone’s been calling it since it happened? Because Trump

It’s a lot easier to call somebody a liar when you actually have them on tape lying. You should always let fools talk so people know how foolish they really are.

What would President Obama have done better?

I’ll take this bet. You will lose. Know how I know? Because I’m a black woman and you’re not. Also, take a moment to stop and talk to those African Americans you pass by each day. You might actually learn something about their lives instead of imagining what you’re “willing to bet” their lives are about.

Well, thank you for your expert opinion, person who walks past black people.

Also, black people are worth writing about without focusing primarily on their suffering.

Watch the backflipping reasoning for why this isn’t a deep-seated, fundamental dislike for all things Black Women.