Reclaiming My Time

Yes, they care about other shit like empowering pedophiles and racists to harm the people they hate.

I need this woman to live to be 150 years old.

I will wait to see proof. NJ, my home state, is a blue state and had the most hated Republican governor in recent history. Virginia is also blue/purple.

The “boycott” by black women is fake news... probably started by some infowars asshole to start trouble. There is absolutely no organized boycott of any kind, yet people took two nanoseconds to light into black women everywhere from that damn rumor.

I hope that you’re not referring to Alabama, where the majority of white women who voted pulled the lever for an accused Republican pedophile and unabashed racist, while black women did the heavy lifting for Doug Jones.

Yeah the polls said that white women would vote left for the last presidential election too... and aren’t we all red faced now.

Swatting is a huge, traumatizing, life threatening crime and often committed against minorities (happened to my brother twice). Please pursue this legally... the next person could be killed!

I’m so sorry about what you’re going through. None of us is perfect and every one of us makes mistakes. I have made huge ones and work on forgiving myself and approaching a new direction every day.

I will buy it and I don’t even have a little girl.

Don’t try to move the goalposts. You know that isn’t why he is being soundly criticized.

I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t believe that people are trying to excuse his behavior.

BURN HIS SHIT. It really works in the closure department. Hear me out:

It stands to reason. Dolt 45 is a malignant narcissist and sees his daughter as an extension of himself. This is the closest that self worshipping asshole can legally get to fucking his daughter-wife.

Or... most likely inebriated and trying to avoid a breathalyzer.

Every island is different, for sure. I already said that Trinidad has some colorism (nowhere near the level of the US and UK.)

Sorry but a few cricket games will never make you an expert on any country. My experiences are pre-volcano, as we fled because of the eruption.

You need to brush up on your current events. Dolt45 just called the entire continent of Africa something that rhymes with shmithole and held up DACA because he’s hell bent on keeping us darkies out, PhDs or not.

Wtf? Pigmentocracy? Montserrat? Please explain how a person who looks like this can be the First Premier of a pigmentocracy:

Here’s the thing: for the life of me I can’t imagine his girlfriend doing the same thing to him. Most likely she would be at the river bank, crying her eyes out and hoping against hope that he was still alive... not looking out for #1 and getting out of dodge.

Not even close. In Montserrat, where half of my family hails from, colorism simply does not exist, period. A black skinned person has just as much chance at finding love as a brown skinned person. Grenada is similar.