Reclaiming My Time

Some of this stuff is legit but you left out that huge portion of saved-and-sanctified-filled-with-the-holy-ghost black Christians who would NEVER play the temptations carols (unless other church people and their kids weren’t around).

Fuck this. Black men exclude black women with shocking regularity in activism, centering their own needs exclusively in the political discourse. When the spotlight gets put on black women for 1 nanosecond, we suddenly get talk about ‘divisiveness’ and “what about the meeennzzzz” complaints.


LOL it literally never occurred to me, especially since I’ve got a little extra back there, I assumed that the cheeks floppily curtained the bullseye.

Riveting stuff... I even remember where I was when I learned that Mr Reclaiming can totally see my butthole when hitting it from the back.

Nothing a little duct tape couldn’t fix.

Not for me. One date is not enough time to assess if he’s a creeping married man, a rapey ass, an inveterate liar or will want to kill me and wear my skin like a coat. Sex means being alone out of earshot, and butt ass naked and defenseless.

Yes. They hate us because we make more black people.

I demand that the Democrats get off their asses to protect the voting rights of black people for a change. If the last 8 years (hell 100 years) is any indication, these voters WILL be targeted for suppression by the GOP in the future.

Yeah, like maybe a video/audiotape of him admitting to sexual assault on a national tv show or something.

Because his mother is a dark skinned biracial woman and raised him to wholeheartedly embrace the blackness in his bloodline. She was treated horribly because of her skin tone (latinos can be colorist beyond belief) and refused to let those same people fawn over his light skin.

The country did not elect Trump. The electoral college, heavily affected by gerrymandered district lines, put Trump in office.

Tell me about the other 7.

Were the victims Democrats? Why don’t they count in this logic?

So you’re saying that sexual assault, child molestation, and sexual harrassment should be perks that come with the job of Congressmen?

Then offer yourself up to the next politician as a sacrifice to be punched in the face or sexually assaulted in place of his intern or staffer. You don’t get to make that decision for other women and still consider yourself a progressive.

They keep their drapes open because they never felt the 24/7 scrutiny and negative judgment that we live under. Must be nice. Still... to my neighbors 2 doors down: close your curtains. Ya nasty.

As long as men control congress, the only people getting shot and knifed in the back are women. So fuck ALL of the predators, both Dem and Rep. Burn the entire shit down. We are not your cannon fodder.

They don’t care because Democrats don’t sustain their attacks... they lose interest a month later. Repubs kept Obama’s birth certificate and Benghazi going for YEARS.

Why are you conflating cheating on one’s wife with sexual assault and sexual harrassment? If MLK required sexual contact from his workers for employment then yes, he would have forfeited his right to lead. Are we seriously still so backward in 2017 that we must ask these questions?