
You are being oversensitive since you completely ignored the context of the “Seriously. Ohio.” and just went on your rant.

You seem like a fun person who enjoys humor.

These crazy fucks on Reddit have proven how absolute insane they are. I posted about pokevision after a buddy showed me and I got doewnVoted over 260 times. People calling me a cheater and shit. The 3 bug glitch hits and my 260 downs go to 560 up votes. Make your fucking minds up you crazy fucks. Do u hate Pokemon go

Coworker of the cosplayer; I saw the whole thing go down. So perhaps I can clarify a few things I’ve seen brought up in other comments:

“Yes this really could end badly for someone, but when that “someone” is more likely not himself & more likely the 2 assholes can you really fault him for picking option 2?

Well, this doesn’t exist here in Europe, so don’t think I judge you, I really don’t. I don’t have the same understanding of this kind of event.

WOOOOOSH! The lesson here is that the more guns in a situation, the greater likelihood someone’s getting shot, and the less control any given person has over who it will be.

Enjoy your illusion of control while escalating a robbery into a gunfight, in which your friends and loved ones might, say, get gutshot (as in this case). No, not pulling a gun doesn’t guarantee no one gets shot, but pulling a gun very nearly guarantees someone does.

If I had to wager a guess, I’d say millions of impressionable teenagers spending five bucks or so for the same sort of game with different characters. But hey, clowns.

The beauty of how this DLC presents it is, if you think you are a synth, you are one. If you think you are not a synth, you are not a synth. This comment section further proves that point.

I don’t know for certain, but I’m going to guess that his mention of a funometer, an entirely fictional tool as far as I know, indicates he was being sarcastic.

Checking....yes captain I believe Kamai’s sarcasm detector has blown a fuse.

Everyone eats, but there is definitely a “foodie” culture. I think the ubiquity of videogames doesn’t prevent there from being a subculture of passionate (if frequently annoying) megafans, with sub-categories within that vague group.

God forbid not everyone like a popular game... Fanboys will be fanboys. Kind of sad to see that Troy Baker also got involved.

There are two reasons for the flip phone. First, a flip phone is much more rugged then a smartphone. So it make sense that Nathan, even if he is no longer going into caves and destroying lost cities, would be using a flip phone on a daily basis.

Sully is using a Sony Xperia which just came out within this last year. I’m thinking that the PS1 is a relic from Elena’s college days, and Drake finds a flip phone to be more his style.

I totally lost my shit when this happened. Crash Bandicoot was such a big part of my childhood and I had a stupid grin on my face the entire time I played. I also loved the jabs about it taking forever to load and how people just want their games to be instantaneous.

Totally calling the main character Fassassin now

How did I stumble into the retirement community forum again? I must have set my Jalopnik bookmark to the wrong page.