rules for radishes

Some higher-level editors get small payments for work on their student newspapers. The EIC of a student daily probably works 6 hrs/day on the paper, so $90/month seems like a small token for the amount of work they put in.

The league is still trying to determine the exact verbiage for what’s a catch and what’s not a catch.

Kobe used to have clout on that team, but now he’s washed up, and his contract is seen as an albatross — the reason the Lakers can’t attract a second star to the team. He’ll be a Laker for life, but especially after he fucked up the Lamarcus Aldridge hunt by telling him “I want you to be my new Pau Gasol” he’s

Yowza that’s a hot take.

I’m seeing that you’re a moron — is that what you’re referring to?

No, you fucking turnip. All sports have “unwritten rules.” The only difference, which isn’t significant in any way, is that baseball players at least are honest enough to talk about it.

Come on, be smarter than this. The “unwritten rules” of baseball are no different than the unwritten rules of any major team sport. In football, basketball or hockey, teams tend to retaliate in some way when a player gloats too much. Hard hits result in harder hits. Fights break out. The fact that baseball players

It truly is a garbage sport. I’ve tried watching football, and there seems to be penalties on at least one-third of the plays in the game. If the rules of your sport are so arcane that they can’t be played by its best practitioners without constant need for arbitration of rules violations, your sport is broken.

So let’s get this straight. Trump pranks Rubio, then his campaign leaks the details of the prank, then media right and left write fawning, uncritical writeups of the prank that allow Trump to look like a fun, entertaining guy and remind everyone that Rubio is a chump.


Interview prep

Have you ever said “esports” at a party and then the person you’re talking to suddenly sees a friend across the room?

I cannot imagine anything stupider in the world than paying nerds millions of dollars to win at Mario Kong (or whatever the fuck this dumb game is).

If a five foot tall Bolivian immigrant in a Cookie Monster costume can scream at you enough to get you to give him three dollars, that money wasn’t really yours to begin with.

Everybody has ideas about what they don’t want Times Square to be, but no one has good ideas about what they want it to be.

The shell game would be great. I also miss the guys who try to sell tourists copies of Metro and AM New York.

Desnuda-and-Hello-Kitty infested Times Square is awful, but mostly because Times Square itself is awful. At least it once again has character based around the ingenuity and entrepreneurial hustle of lower-class New Yorkers trying to get naive tourists to fork over cash. I’m not crazy nostalgic for the Times Square of

I make it a point not to watch Yankees games, and will only go to Yankee Stadium every three years when they play the Giants, so someone please explain to me why no one even close to them is wearing any bit of Yankees swag? Like, I know these seats are mostly owned by corporations trying to impress clients, but is no

You get a sense that Tarquin and Felicity have never been to a baseball game before, but one or the other’s turn came up for the office’s season tickets.