Kenneth Desee

True dat! Definitely a bunch of left wing loonies!

Charleston SC... 1,300 people move to Charleston SC per month. Get away from the city to find real Southern hospitality!

There is a reason people call you a stupid cunt! Hillary and Debbie Washerman Schultz set Bernie up. Now he and his wife are accepting big money...go figure cunt! You were on the losing, confused side from the beginning. Stuck on stupid?

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...

You wouldn’t, because it suits your agenda.

I worked for a large chemical company. They paid 6 1/2% tax every year. The profits, millions were paid for equipment rentals from the foreign owner’s. It’s all a scam. Tax reform now!

Dumb people spend their money on war paint. Suck the man in with illusions, then the war paint comes off and it’s time to get the yell outta here!!!

Jorge...what part of ILLEGAL do you not understand???

Let me get this right...the climatologist cannot tell us where a hurricane will be in 3 days, yet we should believe their 30-50 year predictions??? According to their predictions from the 70's, we should be in an ice age now. It’s all about getting more tax money!!!

She is dumber than a box of rocks.

Bull chit...

She is your typical beauty contestant, no brains. By the age of 35, she will commit suicide because she can’t give it away. Every civilization crumbles within 100 year’s after giving into women’s rights. This Ho is a fine example of the old saying...kitty and common sense do not come wrapped in the same package!

Charleston SC is the place to be...

What a bunch of low life idiots...talking trash about a lady who singlehandedly was the moral compass of America. How is that choice working out for you? You all talk smack behind your little computers, but Phyllis Schlafly was about action and getting it done. God will welcome her home...well done my good and