
And all of us vegans said, “duh”.

As a vegan, this would be literally impossible for me to do. Don’t get me wrong, I understand they’re invasive and destructive, but it’s not their fault they’re here. They’re just doing what they do.

Right? I just bought a house in North Las Vegas for $320k and it’s 2237 sq ft. plus a pool. I think their numbers are off.

The Dreamcast was such an incredibly good console. I was so bummed out that it died. Virtual On, Capcom vs SNK & Project Justice, Hydro Thunder, Quake 3 Arena, and so many other amazeballs games. Now I’m sad :(

There will come a day when we all regret letting a single company get their fingers into so many things.

And yet, in your entire article, you did not once bring up the FACT that the animal agriculture industry is the largest single contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, ocean dead zones, rainforest clearing, land and water use, and, by proxy, climate change.

Wait a sec, are you suggesting that we DON’T have problems with our food policies and it’s not directly linked to why so many people in this country are sick all the time?

When are people going to wake the fuck up and realize that A) Amazon is taking over and needs to have the rug pulled out from under them, and B) software designed to capture criminals can just as easily be corrupted and used to find other people for whatever reason a person is willing to pay for? Not only is this a

Might have to pick this up just because it’s a new SamSho game. I used to own a Neo Geo arcade cabinet and had the first 4 SamSho carts as part of my collection. Good times.

Not really digging the art style. It’s a bit too mobile for my taste.

Welcome to the internet. Men on the internet ARE trash, by and large. My guess is that it’s a bunch of men who made the decision to drop her. Speaking as a man, I’m often appalled at the way anonymity brings out the worst in guys.

I still don’t understand how we live in an age where anyone gives two flying fucks about the size of a female characters breasts. She’s a fictional character in a video game, not a sex doll.

Hold up. So only Christians are allowed to tell fantastic, fictional stories about non-existant omnipotent beings and their underlings and the antics they get up to? Weird flex, but ok.

Ah, humans. So optimistic, like anything we do now could save us from what we’ve wrought.

Now if only this could happen a few hundred more times so we can outlaw these fucking things for good.

Ah, the GOP. Always trying to spin evil in a positive light, or at the very least, running like cockroaches to get out of the light.

When the Second Amendment was written, it took a good minute to load a gun and you got one shot. I somehow doubt guns like the AR-15 were what our nations founders had in mind for self defense.

Try leaving the feral pigs alone. You know, since they have the same right to life that you do.

I wouldn’t have a single problem with guns and gun owners if the lunatics who have access to them would stop going on killing sprees. A school or church shooting is always going to get more press than any one woman being saved by a gun, whether she was wielding it or not. It seems to me, the former happens far more

Meanwhile, there will be ads for movies like John Wick 3 (great movie, btw) where people have their heads blown off at close camera range. But yeah, somehow even the suggestion that women masturbate is offensive. The hypocrisy is real, people.