
Aww man, they will probably go for at least a grand each. Too bad :(

true! Its the number 2 tablet after the ipad apparently...

its not the concept I don't like but the implementation. the ui kind of sucks.

My touchpad's feelings are hurt :-(

tbh I'm not a big fan of spotify its okay I just don't see all the hype. I was gonna switch back to rdio but they raised their prices.

If apple made vacuums I feel like this is what they would look like lol

Jesus, will there ever be a sub-$200 airplay speaker? I thought the market would be flooded with them by now...

I should have ponied up the extra $ and got the boxee box instead of a roku. Converting video files to mp4 is cumbersome.

I got mine on Friday but was unable to play around with it until yesterday because i was out of town when it arrived but i really really like it!

i got the touchpad, now i need to find a touchstone on the cheap. i just dont see myself paying $50+ for one.


i wish they would make case for the nook like they did with the kindle ;(

even though it would be nice, at&t can barely handle connecting a phone call and you just know it will cost an arm and leg with a ridiculously low data cap.

this is one of those things that you didn't realize that you needed until you see its application. very nice apple.

oh haaay jesus

that looks extremely fake

So will Gizmodo ever get invited to anything apple again?

Meh, it has promise but I didn't find any must have apps. The developers have seemed to go a little crazy with the prices to take advantage of the early adopters. Wait a couple months and I'm sure there will be a lot more apps at more reasonable prices.