
They would if they could somehow tie it to Hillary.

FreedomEagle.facebook is the best part of this.

I ran at The Armory in high school. It’s a chaotic place with lots of events happening at once and in quick succession. Despite that, I find it hard to believe this wasn’t noticed at the time, with as many people are there, presumably watching what’s going on on the track. Then again, sometimes there are 40+ heats of

Dawkins is out the rest of the game with a hyperextended third leg.

Seems like a decent guy. Apologized and got out, didn’t want to monopolize her screen time. I’d follow his twitter. It isn’t like he grabbed her pussy and told her to lose weight.

Beat me to it, you fucking genius!

Thank god she wasn’t at Baylor!

Miss Arizona should know that’s third date behavior.

I suggest putting benadryl in the mashed potatoes and ZzzQuil in the cranberry salad (just make sure everyone eats at least one of them) and enjoy them being subdued for a few hours. Serve double espressos to everyone who is driving home and repeat for Christmas.

I miss my family dearly today, but I’m glad I don’t have to partake in this shit. Hopefully next year we’ll all chill the fuck out.

The understandable look of dread on a man about to be evaluated by NFL physicians for brain trauma.

yaaaas. the TopSecretGayAgenda is working!

What kind of mushy response is this shit?

We got another one! Bwahahaha!

may she experience all of the acceptance and tolerance her church demonstrates for all the gheyz.

I’m starting to think all fundies are actually gay. Like literally all.

I’m sure “their church” is head-over-heels for Abby.