
My toddler will poop in the tub at least once a wife freaks out and yanks her out of the tub and takes her to the other bathroom to finish up, leaving me to clean up the mess. Typically I remove the floater, drain the tub, then fill it back up with hot water mixed with bleach and let it sit for something

I had heard that passports are needed when flying domestic you know if that is true?

The kids love this one

“Tell me what you want what you really really want”

Playing this game has a familiar feel to it

Now playing

If you have about 20 mins this is an interesting theory...

you’re gonna get spoiled!

Not sure about the broken ring being able to detach remotely.

Oh I get the marketing side of it......the movie wasn’t that great though.

The part with the girl that was found in the wall.....and they didn’t hesitate at all....really? You hear someone/something screaming behind a wall and you don’t stop to think about it. How many space movies characters have to die from letting someone/something onto the ship? And how did that damn arm know where the

They overpaid......I watched this last night, it was okay at best.

I’d like to try some of that KaKaine

Never really thought about that.....but you’re right. He does need to be in these new movies. Just looked at his IMDB page and they’ve been using him a lot for the voice of his character.

Wonder where Billy Dee weighs in on this?

Hoping the cast of Dancing with the Stars is okay from the crash....on a side note that photoshopped image is horrible. I hope that isn’t what they use to advertise that show.

That’s what I was thinking...or this is just a bad picture of the guy.


I just spent close to 200 for my wife and I to see David Byrne in concert.....only justifying it because he might not be touring much longer

parking or “who will pay for the parking lot”?