Just a racket to get your information and send you spam mail on a regular basis. So lame.
I wish more businesses would do this.....remember when you bought a Coke and the cap would get you a free Coke or whatever?
Was Rob Schneider unavailable?
Hey...gotta spread that happy
I live in Nashville as well, I thought that they were putting up a wall or higher trees or something to where you won’t be able to see the statue from the interstate.
He reminds me of someone......hmmmm.....
Booooo! He made have made mistakes and he has owned up to them. But the guy generally is doing good for the world in the position he is in.
$50.00 for an action figure of Powdered Toast Man??? WTH
Gotta have that Godzilla!
I have high hopes for this....but they have to do it right, and not look at it is as a joke. I think they should also ignore that finale episode....it was kind of out there.
I’ve been trying hard to like this show....I watched the latest episode last night and fell asleep about halfway through. Granted I’m fighting a cold and on medicine. But still, it felt really really long.
When his cat died
Can we not impeach him already???
I’m 15 mins in....holds up pretty well