
Translation of conversation between pro-Russian rebels after the plane was shot down:

I think the word is Schweinsteiger.

I am experiencing a feeling of great pleasure from Brazil's humiliation....if only there was a word in German that precisely defined this emotion.

When I was about 12 years old I broke my arm trying to impress the cute girl in my class. This was like 6 weeks before summer vacation. After finishing out the school year my mom takes me and my buddies to the doctor to remove the cast (it was one of those that has my arm fixed upright like I was waving—trust me the

Edit: I see now in his explanation why in the hell 2H isn't on this list.

Since when is the Oreca livery "retro"?

You were obviously hanging out with other cultured fancypants types. Cologne, for example, runs on beer. Plenty of beer culture in Hamburg, Frankfurt and Heidelberg too.

Where does the GoPro come from in the landing shot?

I say this as a Hawks fan, I think the Chicago crowd is a bit weak, I think the ticket prices and winning have priced out the loud, true fans.

the moose is the semi of the animal kingdom.

That look of drunken exhilaration and zero coordination and blind luck is incredibly Midwestern. We all recognize it. My drunk uncle stepped backwards off a deck yesterday, stumbled like he had been shot, and then made the same face as that woman when he didn't spill his beer. It was magical.

As elitist as this will make me sound - if he lost you when he said DD coffee is awful, you have no idea what good coffee is.

Ooooo I hope there's a tea-making set somewhere in there!

They aren't checking it out, it looks like they are looting it...

Hawk Harrelson is going to throw a brick through Bowman's window on his way to the ballpark today.