Ruck Cohlchez ?

But that doesn't answer why Dark Coop would put Dougie's wedding ring inside Major Briggs.

I keep thinking about Dougie's wedding ring being found inside the Major. Obviously Dark Coop had something to do with that, but how? And more importantly, why? It seems almost like he's manipulating the FBI into finding Dougie Jones, but how does that help him? (Especially now, with Cooper back in Dougie's place +

I don't see it. Given what we saw of Evil Coop's car crash, Cooper leaving the purple room through the socket and replacing Dougie Jones, and all of this happening at 2:53… everything seems to be happening roughly chronologically, and it seems like it would be a massive cheat to say "Aha, tricked you!"

I think the BLOCKED was referring to her phone service; it looked like she was trying to check it but couldn't (I assume something to do with FBI security on the case).

Yes, yes, it's the people who think about things who are the stupid ones.

Hey, now I can watch them on Hulu and actually pause the show! Thanks, whoever upvoted this comment!

Cool. I don't post much at the AVC anymore (and, as I mentioned, the AVCAD politics threads don't seem to have a lot of space for left-wing opinions that challenge the consensus), but I'll keep an eye out. If you do ever go back on Twitter, look me up— I've got the same name there.

Hey, didn't want to get into this in the middle of a current conversation, but do you have Twitter? I know you used to post on the AVCAD, and some of us left-wing posters who stopped posting there regularly (due to the overwhelming liberal centrism and pressure against any left-wing criticism) started a group chat

The New York Times op-ed page is like welfare for thickheaded white male doofuses. Now we need a column from Ross Douthat describing how the sandwich shop fits into his vision of Catholicism and hot older women.

Well, she wasn't in Fire Walk With Me, either, so I'm guessing whatever happened happened before that.

Oh God, that was one of the most gloriously stupid things I've ever seen on television. I'm glad I never saw the series to that point; the finale almost feels more pure that way.

There's a joke near the end that we had to pause the show for, my wife was laughing so hard— pretty ballsy joke for 1986, too. I think if it had come out now, it'd be a pretty solid hit somewhere (even if "somewhere" is, like, adult swim).

I actually just discovered it recently and really liked the pilot. David Rasche is great in the lead role, too.

Wrong Fish!

What are your thoughts on Fish Police?

It's not. It's troll behavior: Insult a group of people en masse, then clutch your pearls when anyone responds in kind, even more mildly.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion and all that, but objectively speaking:

I meant in the show. In real life I'm pretty familiar with the whole taking-drugs-to-visit-the-Lodge type of thing.

FACT: Bears eat beets.

Click on the "read more entries" link for an appropriately Lynchian touch.