Ruck Cohlchez ?

I feel like there's been a real emphasis on the "slow burn," which is another way of saying "trying to get away with as little action as possible." This episode in particular felt like it was heavy on montages and long scenes where nothing happens.

He only barely appeared in the back of one shot, from my viewing.

Chuck manipulated Ernie on purpose into hearing that tape, knowing he'd tell Jimmy. Any rationale Chuck tells himself about ethics is the worst kind of horseshit.

I don't think there's any wordplay; the name just sounds great.

I feel like Larry's being played like he has some kind of social disorder— his reactions to pretty much everything are inappropriate— but I wouldn't know much more specifically than that.

Don't apologize. She's bringing it. The performance is scorching, too; I don't think that's objectification. It's one thing if this is Michael Bay's Transformers and she's just standing around in a bikini for no reason gawking at robots. (I've never seen any of those Transformers movies, but I assume that's what

You made some good points, and then you went to a weird place. You also seem to spend an awful lot of time defending cops shooting people.

I assume the writers don't actually believe the lie detector is infallible, but it seems like the sort of thing the townspeople of East Peck absolutely would believe, and this was a PR move, after all.


Yeah, it is. It never would have occurred to me, either.

Who are these masters of the craft they are fucking?

You know one thing I don't see discussed, that I think speaks to why people prefer Jimmy to Chuck?

Chuck's illness was demonstrated to be psychosomatic in season 1. And yes, I believe it's connected to some kind of subconscious feelings regarding Jimmy, perhaps regarding his own guilt over his duplicity.

No, it proves that a lot of people believe motive is important and don't consider the law their ultimate moral authority.

Chuck had every right to try and win back their client. He didn't do anything illegal to regain them.

What was the name of the donor Selina claimed she had on her side? Schlomo something? Haim Saban stand-in or is it just me?

Yeah, I loved Detroiters, but Richard Splett is sui generis and I never think of one when watching the other.

I saw a promoted tweet today from the Jonah Ryan for Congress account.

One of those "I can relate to this even though I probably shouldn't admit that" lines.

My wife thought the same thing.