Ruck Cohlchez ?

And I feel like enough people didn't catch this, but if you watch carefully, Chuck only makes the decision to go into the office and fight for Mesa Verde once Howard tells him Kim is sharing Office Space with Jimmy.

Chuck was only able to muster up the energy to come to the office to fight for Mesa Verde once he heard Kim was sharing office space with Jimmy.

People only stopped doing two spaces regularly in the last few years or so. Or maybe around the time texting became mainstream, which was not 2002.

I'm convinced someone in the writers' room is a Chapo Trap House fan.

Meh, the second season was full of scenes lifted almost directly from Coen Brothers films.

By trying to undermine and sabotage them at every turn while pretending it's for some high-minded ideal?

So did your family just stop bailing him out, or did every time he got a job, your family went to his employer and said "Hey this guy can't be trusted so you should fire him now?"

Chuck would be fine if he decided not to bail Jimmy out anymore when he got in trouble. He's well within his rights at this point, and it wouldn't be a stain on his character.

I don't think I've seen anyone mention the possibility that given his stature in the comedy world, Louis CK could completely kill Jen Kirkman's career if she came forward (something Kirkman herself mentioned in the original podcast). I imagine that has to be pretty powerful incentive (I'm thinking of the "Hank After

The Smoking Gun still has the 2004 lawsuit documents up. It is… very creepy and very detailed. (He reportedly settled that one for $9 million.)

Eh, I'm not a lawyer, but "unsavory allegations" is a pretty mild turn of phrase. Do you really want to see Dennis Perkins and/or the AV Club sued to death over it?

Jen Kirkman told a story that she had been harassed or worse by a comedian where she made heavy insinuations it was Louis CK, but quickly sort of moved to cover it up / not talk about it afterward, if I remember correctly. Might have even had it deleted from the podcast she told it on.

Yeah, agreed with this and most of the replies. He really nails O'Reilly's attitude, cadences, and expressions.

Scott is really crucial as Henry, but man, I still think Ron Donald is my favorite.

It's funny; I definitely disagree with some of these picks, but in those cases they were picked because the writer in question identifies strongly with the character, and I can't hate on that. (I'd argue Ron and Andy are better characters than Leslie; and Jack, Jenna, and Tracy than Liz, but that's on a pure comedy

Tim Robinson's Al Capone was hilarious

MacGruber is brilliant. It's probably been a decade before then since I laughed that hard at a movie.

Secretary of State Tracy Jordan

In that fashion, cops are much like the band Suicidal Tendencies.

Jack Del Rio will not be pleased you referred to him as "her."