Ruck Cohlchez ?

Don't you just love when people drop in spoilers for shows unrelated to what you're reading?

Which one?

What would he have to gain from this, and what would be the point of presenting the scene without letting the viewer in on the plan?

I also don't know where the idea that this is being "dragged out" comes from.

How sick would it be if Chuck was in a vegetative state after hitting his head? We know who is both his closest next of kin and has power of attorney over him…

And then, of course, because he's Chuck, he can't let it go and has to hunt down the evidence that Jimmy did it.

Not to mention - Mike's refusal to kill the driver not only let Nacho make him for the hit, but also ended up getting an innocent civilian killed.

I've never seen Charlie Wilson's War, but I know the parable you're speaking of and it's a favorite of mine, too.

As I said elsewhere, I loved that because it immediately occurred to me that of course Chuck is Salieri.

I'm not sure you know what "place setting" means. This episode contained likely the two climactic scenes of the season (at least setting Mike aside). It wasn't perfect; I thought Mike's heist stretched credibility much more than Chuck's deduction (given his opinion of Jimmy, he probably would have come up with it

Right, so in your view she apparently doesn't care if Jimmy goes to federal prison.

Loved this from David Segal in the NYT on the big scene in Chuck's house:

It might be shorter to list the people Chuck doesn't consider underlings.

Definitely a pun on Mike's spike strip, but I think you're right that Chuck nailed Jimmy, but Jimmy nailed Chuck, too, etc.

No argument here.

Rhinophyma is most commonly caused by rosacea, which is why I didn't bother to distinguish the two (especially since she wasn't talking about his nose— I meant the more general redness anyway).

Yeah, I expected Jimmy to say something like "I stabbed you in the back? Maybe you're just feeling a little residual guilt for keeping me out of HHM, eh?" But Jimmy obviously was not prepared or on his feet; his denials all had the whiff of desperation.

The episode title was "Nailed."

And despite the fact that his cover was blown by his own makeup artist!

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. "That's exactly the kind of guy Jimmy could use as an underling of some sort."