Ruck Cohlchez ?

I think the same thing happened with Girls, where critics, who tend to be of the "young artsy people in a big city" persuasion— or who want to be— found the experiences much more relatable and universal than they actually were.

I'd add F Is For Family to the list after finishing it, too. Really enjoyed that one, a lot more than I expected to.

I don't think Dev entirely did his research before buying those tickets.

Also, the funniest thing about Sunny is the Gang and how they interact with each other and the public. That episode gave the Gang like three total minutes of screen time.

The Kevin Farley who wrote Chris Farley's autobiography?

I have it as September 24, 1991, the day Nevermind was released, but Ski School still falls into the 80s on this calendar.

I actually did know someone in high school who grew up with Britney Spears, so I'm really curious where you / this person are from, just to see how implausible it is.

"Fuck you, get an apartment" was my favorite.

Yeah, this guy is a troll douchebag I've seen do this crap on other reviews (hard to forget a guy with such an unbearably pretentious name/avatar combo). The world wouldn't miss him.

Sue's boss (forget her name) called the lady in Ryetown (forgot her name too) a "packrat," so, assuming she wasn't just covering or bullshitting, I'd assume that's all.

It was worth it to see Bill vomit as soon as Frank mentioned his "workout" over dinner.

I love this show. It feels real to me, and that's a hard thing to pull off.

I do like how Vic is sort of the early-Simpsons version of Ned Flanders, but from the opposite end of the social spectrum. He's a decent guy who's living the life he wants to and is successful on his own terms, and Frank (and Homer) resent that.

F Is For Family has only become more wrenching as its gone on, and, with just one episode left (there’s no word yet of a continuation) it has to be asked what, exactly, this show is.

Jerry Lee Lewis has basically said that the career crash that came when he married his teenage cousin probably saved his life, because he was partying so much at his peak level of stardom. Instead of continuing to live the rock star lifestyle and dying young, his peak of fame (and drug/alcohol use) basically ended at

I've been there over a decade now, though I may be soon moving out of the city altogether.

6 starts weak but I think it finishes really strong. Starting from "Who Got Dee Pregnant?" onward, it's pretty much all gold. You've got the great "The Gang Gets a New Member" / "Dee Reynolds: Shaping America's Youth" doubleheader. "Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats." Tom Berenger as a trucker who has definitely put his

Charlie is arguably not high-functioning enough to have something like moral culpability for his actions.

From wikipedia:

Yeah, I know. It's a sad symptom of the decline of the AV Club. About once a week someone decides to be an asshole and shit on something I said, then act like I'm the one acting antisocial. I comment less and less as a result— I don't want to be that person, either.