Ruck Cohlchez ?

Amen. It's this whole tribalist thing that's infiltrated our politics, too.

You might enjoy it more than I did, then. It's pretty well shot, and there are some great performances.

I'd say it's less scripted than most reality shows, but you're right that it's not Brass Eye. Nathan and crew usually do right by participants: For example, refunding everyone's money who bought souvenirs in "ELAIFF," or telling the kid in "Sporting Goods Store" afterward that the "astronaut" who visited him was just

While watching season 1, I quite liked it, but the more I thought about it, the less I liked it. With season 2, I felt it would have been better with a tighter focus that would have explored the more interesting characters in further depth, something that could have been achieved in part by cutting back on things like

Haha, I don't know yet. I'm only one episode in. Justified season 6 was really good, though.

This. I've read multiple writers who get paid to write things like this write columns that were the equivalent of "Get a load of Nic Pizzolatto, what a douchebag, eh? How dare he have his own TV show! And just look at these photos that accompanied this magazine feature! He sucks and I can't wait for him to fall flat

Sorry, I edited my earlier comment, probably while you were writing yours. Just that, regardless, I still don't understand why any Fargo fan would be concerned about "sticking it" to True Detective's writer.

…What does that have to do with my post, or with the vitriol Internet commenters have toward a television writer they know virtually nothing about?

I just felt let down. There was good material, and if it had been expanded upon, the season could have been really good. I wanted to like it. Instead, I felt as though the constant references to other Coen Brothers works took me out of the story too often.

What baffles me is that almost every week in the Fargo comments this year, I've read someone go on an angry rant about how happy they are that it's better than True Detective because they fucking hate Nic Pizzolatto.

Yeah, I finally got around to finishing it recently, and the end of the season was phenomenal. Really shot it up my board.

The last two episodes really sank it on my list. It took an unexpectedly unfunny and mean-spirited turn. Which was a shame, as it had been pretty damn funny aside.

See below. (EDIT: Above; it's hard to tell what's what when you're writing comments.) I don't have any interest in continuing to press the point, so I summarized my opinion as best I could, and there's really not much to say beyond that. I do think that the critic's job is to be, well, critical, hence my disillusion

I think a more accurate way to say what I'm thinking is, "Some people have such a fondness for Fargo the intellectual property that they don't really care about any faults the show has, because, in the end, it still gives them more Fargo."

Even the reviews that talk at length about problems with an episode still give that episode an A. So, yeah, I'd say they like it more than me, enough to not really care about its faults.

Fargo as the #3 show of the year pretty well perfectly encapsulates the complete lack of critical eye this site's writers take towards it.

I still sing this from time to time. More often than I should, really.

Part of me thought she wouldn't run, but would free herself from her handcuffs, then strangle Lou after his "Everything's fine, I'm coming home" phone call. For the Cruel Irony of it all.


I have to include this, since the "Coddling of the American Mind" article was mentioned and dismissed as bullshit (which is of course one of the things the movement does— any challenge to it is dismissed as knuckle-dragging bullshit). Here are a couple of examples of censorship cited within that scare the hell out of