Ruck Cohlchez ?

Also, I've never seen it, but I voted for Sex Box as worst show of the year, because COME ON IT'S CALLED "SEX BOX" AND IS LITERALLY PEOPLE HAVING SEX FOR OUR ENTERTAINMENT.

The South Park example is funny— I was on my way to Austin, where he lived, and we got stuck in rush hour traffic leaving Houston to get there. He suggested popping into a movie to wait it out. I mentioned Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, which he thought would be a kid's cartoon. I sold him on it, as I recall, by saying

You know what's fun, is voting for a show listed under "worst shows of the year" for "best episode of the year."

It's funny— as a child I liked many of the strange, funny things I like now; I just didn't know exactly why. The Kids in the Hall was a great example, and so was Wayne's World. As I got older, I realized the degree of meta humor and winking commentary was above and beyond anything I'd seen to that point (and certainly

Those first three are almost certainly my top three, or at least very close. After that it's tough. MacGruber is the hardest I've laughed at any film since it came out (and probably for a while before that, too). The first time I saw the "Springtime for Hitler" number in The Producers is the hardest I've ever laughed

For me, it just took the interesting, complex parts of the show that actually gave me something to think about, and explained them in the most dull and obvious way. Like I said elsewhere, it felt like Hawley didn't give me enough credit for being able to ponder those questions (e.g. of Hanzee's motives) on my own.

The UFO crossed the line for me from "hints of surreality around the fringes" to "actual fan fiction written by someone who doesn't understand how causality works to create a good story."

"I think short-changing the characters a little however is an absolutely worthy sacrifice for actually having, y'know, a more focused and juicier plot this time around."


fuck thinking

Do you have anything of substance to add, or are all your comments snide dismissals of people who don't agree with you? I already saw you try this once elsewhere. If you want to be insulting and condescending, do it on someone else's time.

Oh man, how I now wish Bruce McCulloch had made a cameo as one of their squash opponents.

Honestly, though, the commenter has a point: The TV reviews have recently switched from naming the episode in the title to describing it, and it can be confusing— especially if the show name is left out.

What about that kid, sitting down, opening a book right now in a branch of the local library and finding pictures of pee-pees and wee-wees in The Cat in the Hat and The Five Chinese Brothers. Doesn't he deserve better?

Hmm, I thought Betsy died when Molly was young.

To reinforce how stupid and overconfident they were and set up their ambush and demise.

The narrator sure seemed to think all the bodies related to the case counted. Hell, he started describing "the Sioux Falls massacre" with the diner shootout.

Poor Floyd. As soon as someone yelled "They're cops!" she knew, and that look she gave Hanzee… I haven't seen that on TV since Catelyn Stark at the Red Wedding.

For sure agree. To make a comparison that's popular among Internet TV commenters, it's like the writers heard the complaints that people couldn't follow this season of True Detective and decided to insert a recap that made everything clear and obvious.

Was there any indication that Betsy and Lou were ever on the rocks in season 1?