Ruck Cohlchez ?

Well, even 3 seconds seems wasted when the message says "Stop talking about this thing you were talking about last night and aren't now!"

Where you see "playing within the sandbox," I see "ham-fistedly taking a bunch of scenes, lines, shows, and music tracks from other films." Your statement is vague and meaningless, anyway. Do you have a line that can be crossed? Or would a patchwork of actual scenes from Coen Brothers films lifted wholesale count as

I'm hoping to get someone to explain to me exactly why and how they find the references enjoyable rather than overbearing. Nobody has. And it doesn't look like anyone will.

The only reason I knew what it was is because Mulaney used it. (And apparently Playing House as well.) I think LaToya is onto something when it comes to Hollywood folk (and to a lesser extent, the people who watch their work in bulk and review it) living in a slightly different world than the rest of us.

No. Not as long as nobody addresses it. I don't see why it's on me to let y'all get back to a fawn-fest whereupon your dainty minds don't have to view my opinion. Ignore me if you want.

It was a point of conversation in many places on the page. I didn't say anything untoward.

They killed the bull accidentally.

This was way better than those Game of War commercials or whatever it was called.

To be fair, I thought the same thing when this show was announced in the first place.

Where's the evidence there is? You can't prove a negative.

I've been baffled by the grades for Fargo this year, in particular. I feel like they could actually air an hour's worth of clips from Coen Brothers films, call it an episode, and still get an A here.

I assume the latter, because nowadays Todd spends more time shilling for Vox's corporate partners than writing anything interesting. He's become a caricature of himself.

Oh, gee, when a critical opinion doesn't agree with you it's "whining"? Typical fanboyism: No response to the charges, just a personal attack.

Probably? I mean, it wouldn't be hard for the reviewer to keep writing "A" in that box.

Thanks, Benevenstanciano!

There are a few examples where the references work seamlessly. There have been too many more where the references stood out like a sore thumb, as though they were made exclusively for the viewer to notice them, not because they fit.

Yeah, it's a lot easier when you can just crib a bunch of stuff together from beloved movies!

Too referential for my tastes. This episode went past the point of "story told in a similar style and world" and "outright lifting from other works to put this one together."

"I'll cut off my toe" for a three-fer.

Spoiler for 25-year-old movie as well: He only got out the first time. Maybe Bear isn't so forgiving.