Ruck Cohlchez ?

*After someone explains it to him, Spike Lee then tweets out the address of John Denver's gravesite*

While I don't have the strong opinion you do, I do think the description of this as "the most 90s episode of The Simpsons" speaks to its weaknesses. Rarely was the Golden Era ever so trendy and dated with his humor and sensibility.

2015: Truth beats out Fiction for another Strange Award (colloquially known as a "Strangie").

"I have two rules: Never get involved in a land war with Asia, and never go in with Disney when business is on the line."

This is strange, because I could swear that last week someone told a similar story about fire extinguishers at a Nathan Fielder show, and then someone else responded with "I WAS THAT VOLUNTEER GUY!"

"I loved it!" - star of play, reviewing play

Man, I thought even this pushed it further into uncomfortable territory than that. I never got tired of Jay Johnston falling into the thimbles. (I may also have been re-watching my Mr. Show DVDs and commentaries in preparation for With Bob and David.)

Yeah, I think he was married when the show started but divorced within the last year. It certainly adds another dimension to "Nathan's" personal interactions.

From my observations, it seems the line is playing better than it was last year. Getting a real center helps. I still don't think they should be pretending Tim Lelito is an NFL lineman, and they need to get Peat ready to take over for Strief as soon as possible.

What? The Saints currently have one of the best left tackles in the league, and spent the #13 overall pick on a tackle, who could probably be a very good left tackle himself in 2-3 years.

I'm kinda sick of people thinking the Patriots cheat essentially because other teams are so poorly managed that they whined to the commissioner that the Patriots MUST be cheating to have their continued level of success.

Another Amazon reviewer thwarted by the laws of probability.

I had to pause the episode early on because I couldn't figure out the logic that ended up with Bow, Dre, and Zoey on the plane while Charlotte wasn't already there babysitting them. Still bothers me.

I think every school has one of those. (Ours was "drink more beer" for "victory's near.")

If they're gonna go after liberal hypocrisy, go afteractual hypocrisy, rather than tackling issues where one side is unequivocally right and pulling the "well, both sides are wrong!" card.

*shrugs, indicates sandwich under construction*

The "Miracle Powder!" in the credit sequence kills me.

David cutting the fat kid's throat blew my mind the first time I saw it. It was so gratuitous and unnecessary, and then it was juxtaposed with the silly "80s competition montage"… I lost it.

He's in the way,
HeeeEEee's in the waaaAAaaayyy, oh Lord,
That third wheel's always in the waa-aaaayy!

"C.S. Lewis, Jr."