Ruck Cohlchez ?

I was infuriated that Saints-Giants was blacked out in Houston last week just go we could be forced to watch Mettenberger's hopeless efforts against a normally-pretty-shitty-but-still-much-better-than-the-Titans Texans team.

I see a column about how it's actually good that theater tickets are as expensive as they are now. Although I don't think Disney is a Vox corporate partner.

Who's Al Ives?

I feel like the guy who played Wrench last season would have been a better fit for this role.

I just watched this episode on FXNOW and this was not the case. The breaks were frequent and each one had at least 4 commercials.

Or gone to Wally (?) Pizza Land from season 1.

I love that Sasha took the proper lesson from that: "His family died because he broke the rules."

I think that guy managed to single-handedly destroy any credibility age-progression technology had in about three minutes' time.

It's weird the things people think are brilliant about this show that I think are obvious. I enjoy Fargo, but even season 1 had a lot of stupid / corny / ripped-off elements and plot holes. (The detective is named "Solverson!" The bad guy is named "Malvo!" The complete ripoff of Brad Pitt's idiot personal trainer from

LOL. Hilarious to see internet ragers act like they actually know a writer enough to make this judgment. Maybe you've just been reading too many reviewers who thought it was their place to judge Pizzolatto for writing too "manly" a show.

It's funny to me that people call True Detective "pretentious stoner philosophizing" when this show seems to crib its "deep" elements completely at random and without any overarching worldview behind them.

I don't think listing my favorite Neil Young tracks is going to be very revealing, so I'll list my favorite tracks from that album, in order:

I would laugh my ass off if we got a scene later of Mike listening to Richard Pryor's white person impression to practice it.

Plus, as others have said, Louis' cadence adds a lot to it— he seems like a guy who is purposely trying to speak with a neutral accent.

I've been assuming it's 1995 still; the show premiered in the spring, so this is easily possible. Basically, each episode takes place about 20 years before the air date.

I thought this show was set in 1995, not 1997.

Well, sometimes Malvo was superhuman and could disappear through walls and slaughter entire crime syndicates singlehandedly, except when he was a random criminal small-time enough that he'd go undercover for a year as a dentist to collect a $100,000 bounty.

I don't know what's funnier, that you registered an account just to complain about this, or that you whine about racism while lumping "Asians" into one stereotyped group.

Wasn't he the one dressed as a Ninja Turtle? I'm not sure what stereotype that furthers.

They just looked like zombie schoolgirls to me.