Ruck Cohlchez ?

Boyz II Men is probably not in Eddie's wheelhouse, but I am certain that in the context, listening to it would be emotional/cathartic for him. He's a 13-year-old boy who just had his heart broken by his first real crush, whom he also associates with the music.

A good owner of a knockoff-of-a-chain restaurant knows that the Top 40 hits from 2-3 years ago are the best way to soothe and comfort his patrons.

Yeah, having been an 8th/9th grader at the same time Eddie was a 6th/7th grader, I can tell you that by 1995 we were fully into the swing of II— probably "On Bended Knee" by that point in time.

I had… knockoff Pumps. For my short-lived middle school basketball career.

It felt a little rushed in how it happened, but I kinda figured they only had Dean Winters for three episodes, so I expected it.

This happens to me all the time! It drives me nuts.

"lib-" anything, really, is a pretty sure sign that the person saying it has ceased critical thinking and resorts to us-vs.-them labeling as a substitute.

Personally, I find it refreshing that the modern conservative movement has made their basic racial and sexual fears so explicit, rather than trying to dress them up in pretty language to fool people into thinking it's about anything else.

Woo hoo, four for four! Even though my knowledge of I.M. Pei is mostly limited to "You know I.M. Pei? I.M. Impressed."

I saw some faux-Vice-documentary horror film about a Jonestown-like cult he either directed or produced. I guess he trolled me by not providing any kind of original or insightful take on the subject matter.

They haven't had copy editors around these parts for some time.

Kinda curious if the series starts to explore more that all these people are broken assholes in their own way.

HBO, HBO Go, maybe there are some earlier seasons on Amazon.

"I thought you wanted me to call you daddy."
"Why don't you wait for daddy in the car?"


Yes. I didn't remember which year exactly, but the pilot establishes it's a sort-of Five Minutes Into the Future thing where the virus hits in, like, 2021 or something.

Well, the other guy just seems interested in trolling, but there actually isn't evidence Jackson ever molested anyone, and one of the most high-profile accusers later admitted to being manipulated into it by his parents in an attempt to blackmail Jackson.

Where you going? That's right! Tell your momma I was cussing in the house! SHIT!

I mean, Jake is basically a twelve-year-old, so this is hardly surprising.

c'est ne pas un bullet hole