Ruck Cohlchez ?

I believe a Salty Dog is just vodka and grapefruit juice with a salted rim. I'm not sure if they're actually good, or they just chose the drink name because Artie himself is a salty dog.

Well, the Salty Dog is a real thing. Did Artie include the grapefruit juice or was it deemed unnecessary?

From what I remember of college, if I had taken a hit of acid and then drank a White Russian, I would have been projectile-vomiting gray liquid about half an hour later.

Also, if we're including TV, I'd like to nominate 30 Rock's "Old Spanish."

It's no Chocolate Choo-Choo.

I would definitely try the Flaming Moe at home if I could find the right cough syrup.

They're already wealthy from their duck-calling business, though. I mean, I guess when you have a lot of money, you'd trade it all for a little more, but it seems to me like they just like the attention and/or the excuse to grow long beards and scream about homosexuals.

But it has the National Lampoon name on it, that imprimatur of quality!

If anything, I find it the opposite. I liked White Russians when I was younger; now the thought of mixing cream and sugar into my liquor makes me cringe.

Damn, I'd love to read this, but I'm not giving a website that draws clicks by defaming and conspiring to blackmail people my business.

I don't see how any unbiased spectator could view the text transcripts between the ballboys and not come away thinking that Brady wasn't willfully involved.

It's just not true, though. There is very little case, and no actual evidence (merely conjecture) that Brady did or conspired to do anything illegal!

I'm not a New England fan in the least, but I'll say this: The NFL is absolutely in the wrong here, and this shouldn't surprise anyone who's been paying attention to Roger Goodell's history of arbitrary discipline, trying to appear tough, and making it up as he goes along.

Hey, David Brooks would like to have a word with you! I mean, probably a lot of words, and they're probably not worth listening to because he's the most insular, self-satisfied dipshit, but hey.

C'mon, the one time an AV Club staffer puts real effort into a GJI instead of just posting something from a Tumblr aggregator, and you want to discourage it?

Oh cool, you registered a new account just to be the "It's the Internet, it doesn't count!" troll. Thanks for contributing your position that we should casually treat each other like crap, and that escalating to personal attacks over mild differences of opinion over a television show is a normal and healthy way to

Well, I assume Rick must have stuck around long enough to be some kind of previous presence in Beth's life. I would think it especially strange if Beth let him move into the garage despite never knowing him.

Someone in another article mentioned the final episode is airing this week, I think.

I like to imagine Rick just assumed the movie was called Cuisine because HE was making food, even though Tom Cruise was making drinks.

I wonder if the show will start having the misadventures as a family or if they will have individual storied much like season one.