Ruck Cohlchez ?

For the fact that Taylor Kitsch chased down the writer of this season and got his part

Critics are petty snots who can't stand that someone doesn't care about pleasing them, mostly.

The "adults" are the people who didn't pay attention to the show?

TVDW hates this show because the main characters are violent men and it doesn't hold your hand and tell you they're bad, bad people and you're a good, good person for not being them.

Kravitz could still make a cameo. After all… It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over.

I got more information about which episode was being reviewed from your comment than I did from the article.

Can you take your transphobic "it's ok because I do it" bullshit to someone else?

I assumed the reviewer used "she" because Christina Hendricks was the voice of what we were supposed to consider the "primary" form of Unity, even if a hive-mind doesn't work that way or whatever.

Bill McNeal on NewsRadio described his commercials for Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor as "frank urban patois." What I'm trying to say is that I never expected to hear "urban patois" in a comedy again.

But on the other hand, it legitimized the concept of the beta in the eyes of the very people it's satirizing, due to their utter inability to grasp satire.

everyone who had watched the leaked episode kept snidely hinting at how this was undoubtedly the greatest episode of Rick and Morty, and how it would 100% make you cry, and honestly that set me up with these impossible expectations. I actually feel like it was somewhat ruined for me by all that pre-airing chatter.

People talked up this episode so much after it was leaked, it built up expectations for me that it didn't really come close to fulfilling.

Heroes Reborn
what if SEINFELD still on tv

Hey, good for Matt LeBlanc, getting a role on Adriana!

I'm going to tie this in with a theory based on the first two episodes: He'll stumble upon his dad with his gay lover, accidentally kill one (or both) of them, then go on the run as he's now wanted for murder.

I'm so glad Kate mentioned "Springtime for Hitler". That was one of three distinct moments in my young adulthood I had to pause what I was watching I was laughing so hard.

It could be the janitor, I suppose— either way I'm sure it's a reference to the gloryhole.

People used to dress for work… you'd show up in your suit jacket, with a pocket here for your opium pipe and your switchblade.

I missed Forrest on the police blotter! I'm gonna rewatch it now.

I love how Josh and Tina get the Review tagline into that note.