
You. Gave. These. People. Money. So, you say you are tortured about the ignorance and discrimination of your past and the world that these people live in. To show us that you gave them money to reward them for this bullshit and wrote a piece that made YOU money. What is it that you expect? Do you really want a liberal

Right?! “And then she was arrested for arson” is the only logical ending to this story.

Is uncontrolled dietary mercury bad and trace mercury in a controlled dose of intravenous medicine good? Unequivocally yes.

Not all mercury-containing molecules behave the same way in the body. The type that is found in fish takes time to be removed from your system, and when it builds up to a higher dose it can become dangerous. That’s why there are recommendations for how much of a particular species it is safe to eat each week. The

Imagine if David Miscavige uploaded his entire Scientology file to Scribd!

Mel Gibson and John Travolta join them on my list.

I have had it with abysmal idiots and their “toxins.” Toxins are NOT a thing. They are not magical serpents that burrow themselves into your body through assholes and eyeballs. Dosage is what’s important. Dosage makes a thing toxic. How many times do we have to mention that water itself is toxic at a certain level?

I hate everyone. Every single one.

I’m gullible and not quite Internet savvy so I am truly and honestly asking: are these a joke? I’m confused. What do butts and lying face down have to do with the confederate flag?

So...what, they’re doing their impressions of their favourite confederate soldiers?

This is a really awkward thing for me and my pegging fantasies.

I’m so glad she survived. But....

How does giving birth magically forgive a FOREST FIRE?!??

I’m basing my support for them on the fact that he says they could have called him. Therein lies the hallmark of every narcissist father. If you’re the parent, you’re the one who picks up the phone, you’re the one who visits, you’re the one who is there.

My favourite is ‘Short men don’t have heels; ugly men don’t have make up; stupid men can’t be blonde’. You can. Really. Nothing is stopping you apart from your own rigid, bullshit, binary conceptions of gender. Even so, fuck you.

No sex on her terms. These dudes are, by their own avowal, rapists.

I’m from Chillicothe; I knew Tiffany and Charlotte from high school. People have their opinions of the town—I even agree with a lot of them. It breaks my heart, though, to hear the constant narrative of “Yeah, it’s such a tragedy, but they were drug-using prostitutes. The town’s riddled with poverty, what do you

I shoot concert photography, and I completely agree. I don’t think it would be right for me to take photos that I shoot, either on behalf of the artist or a publication, for personal profit or for sale without their permission, or use outside of the reason I’m there to shoot. That said, I also don’t think it is right

Speaking from a career of selling photographs on behalf of photographers who regularly shoot famous people:

God, that’s horrific. That’s why women are conditioned to give men a “soft no”. Because they’ll fucking murder us otherwise.